Sort: Joe Dirt your father?

And what the fuck happened in that mugshot? When you do a bowl-cut, you’re supposed to then CUT THE HAIR.

And that detergent on your face probably made it the cleanest it’s ever been. Still won’t take care of the herp though.

You don’t need more schooling. You need a shower and a job, ya fuckin’ bum!

1st one - when the actor to my gay homemade porno didn't show up.

3rd one - "I'd be really worried if I wasn't white"

Fun idea though, hopefully more people join the roast-me tag!

I was the lone white guy lol. Maybe I was thinking the opposite.

Hahaha! Loving this! Pst, 80’s called, they want their mullet back!

How much for a cartoon penis? I bought a cat from Steve the I want to draw a cat from you guy years ago, why not a penis. Maybe I'll make a post about it.

Quote me a price homeslice

Oh and if you do a video making a I want to draw a penis for you jingle I'll throw in a couple extra SBD lol

Lol you name what you want it in the style of (or caricature) and I’ll make it happen. You can decide what it’s worth when I’m done.

I think you may love it.

hmm, not feeling super creative at the moment so feel free to take some creative liberty but just throwing a couple ideas out there...

dont be a dick, signup for steemit.

or maybe a brides maid reference, " you feel that steem? that's comming from my undercarriage"

feel free to take some creative liberties though. looking forward to seeing what you come up wtih

Hey brother still waiting on my dick :) lol

Sorry my friend! I’ll get you a rudimentary penis in the next couple of days.

Anxiously awaiting your penis

So, what's bail like when you're arrested on suspicion of molesting livestock?

I like your style bro!

I like your guts and sense of humor. :)

I don't even know why you included that childhood photo. You just look like you slayed pussy in between kicking ass. You probably sent shivers down the asshole of everyone who encountered that glorious mullet.

I had to prove I haven’t been a pussy my whole life.

I would roast you but it looks like your dna already did.

Holy shit bro...... the hair!?! Up-voted! I hope you get what you need brother.

I don't think I am bold or thick skinned enough to dare this but good one though.

You can do it bro!

I want you to lol