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RE: Gardening Noob #2, I'm Back To Square One. Yay.
Good to see you back on here. House looks nice. I'm actually in the process of putting a paver walkway around my house and doing some other landscaping
Awesome, yeah I don’t know what I’m doing! I went to a couple garden centers and wandered around clueless. 😂
Checkout Teds in the south suburbs. I think I'm gonna be heading out there tomorrow, that's my favorite place
Ill have to check it out! I went to lurveys (really really expensive) and I think its called pesches which is in Des Plaines (I live near Ohare) I just discovered this app called iscape where you can take a picture of your house and then add in plants to see how it looks. Im going to play with it today!
Well I'll have to change my gardening plans up. Had an arboritst/tree cutter come out Friday. Earlier this year had a couple huge like 70 year old trees taken out of my front yard by the city because of that asian beatle. had this guy out on friday and apparently two more trees in the back have to come down and those are the trees i hang my sunsail and my lights on so gonna have to change things up. i know you sepnd a lot of time on your outdoor area, if you have a patio area in the back costco has these awesome sunsails for like $20 bucks that look pretty cool and are great for getting out of the sun on a hot day.
Wow doesn’t it cost thousands of dollars to remove large trees? That’s horrible! Thanks for the sun sail idea, I’m defintely going to get one for my back porch!