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RE: What if... Spork - Steem without SteemIt, Inc

in #busy5 years ago

Resteemed and upped for extra eyes.

Just wipe out every POW block and the ongoing effects of them, this ensures distribution issue is resolved entirely.

Adbot / Bidbot revenue could be used to directly reward stake and shareholders, and allow a float of that setup via the frontend and token market. Allow realworld money to flow into the environment via fiatpayment for advertisement and promotional services potentially improving the situation for all stakeholders. You could allow this to be disbursed in token of choice depending on stake/share, and automated/enforced/computed properly via the smartcontracts.

Could decentralize fully the governance, allowing superblocks and proposal schema, perhaps also allowing the, some, or the multiple paid positions higher up to have a veto privilege to prevent abuse. (decentralizing that power further and allowing voting on it with full transparency via the chain would be ideal) Think of it like transferring authorization but it allows or denies a certain proposal going into the block and funds being allocated automatically.

You can set up disbursement rates and everything within a schema like this. Allowing ongoing funding of projects, or funding to be terminated if a project goes rogue, keeping the power in the hands of the staked users/entities and one would hope, ensuring operations are maintained in good faith from the developmental and service orientated community members/corps/communities.

Hope this all made sense!
Feel free to query for further clarification.


At this point it is an idea that I wanted to float and see who is interested and there would be many details to figure out.

I would lean away from wiping POW stake.