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RE: Transparency, Authenticity and the Corporate World

in #busy6 years ago

Best wishes! Follow your gut! I have nothing to offer when it comes to 9-5 gigs as I've never had the office type of job.. Had all kinds of other work but not corporate ladder stuff..

Posted using Partiko Android


Thank you mate! I've been to the office before, but not from 9-5... let's see how that works out and how long I can sustain it hehe. Maybe I can find something where I also have some free time to work on my side hustle. Let's see :)

Partiko notifications are working !

I’m sure with some proper focus put into manifesting your intentions you’ll land exactly where you need to !

Posted using Partiko iOS

Woohoo! Partiko is leading the mobile dapp market again! :D

I'm pretty sure about that as well :) Things are working out. Situations and decisions connect with each other. Life is so fun when everything makes starts making sense!