WTF does stinc do well again lol? Y'all r delusional at best! But, I'd be grasping at straws too if I'd invested all the time and energy you guys did into a pseudo decentralized mlm scheme that closely resembles the real world of bankster pranksters that own all of us. There is no hope in @ned ramblings that could only ever be understood by those infected with steem dreams. Wake the fuck up! It's a cool place to talk shit and flag people for getting in your way or making u butt hurt. Steem ain't shit and won't be shit with all u circle jerk too much time on your hand nerds applauding pure failure.
Yea I'm new and I got no friends here, but at least I'm not so disillusioned in another fake ass revolution to believe some cocksucker that basically built a bubble and y'all bought it hook line n sinker. Mass adoption LMFAO! Social media hardly! It's a shitshow in here and it's painfully obvious to anyone that hasn't lost their marbles..the concept is cool the practicality is crack head fiend nonsense
Posted using Partiko Android