It Takes Just A Step To Start

in #busy7 years ago

I was listening to some old tracks and surfing through my recent status when something caught me thinking. For a while i was lost in a trance. Nothing could have been much clearer than this. The thought of writing it down stroke me like a thunder strike. I thought i had just some few words resonating in me. Little did i know it was a whole story. I had just glanced upon one of Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous quotes and it reads..

“Take the first step in faith, you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”


I realised from this statement that most things that i dont do is because i never made attempts to begin them. Before starting writing this article, i was contemplating on what to begin with. I had just a line of idea on mind. But the line of idea told me to start and the staircase will roll just before me. And so i started. Many at times that i want to begin something, i dont because i measure how huge it is and believe in myself that it will take years. I know most of you are in the same dilemma.

Let me tell you what this world is made up. I believe steemit is experiencing the same thing. There was a computer geek who knew how to write programs. He saw another programmers code and on a first glance could tell how shitty it was going to become with time. He conceived an idea of making something far more superior. He wanted to create something similar but unique and so he started it. A year passed and he saw the growth of the shitty program still outweighed that of his wonderful algorithm. He then decided to create another program as a solution to expose off the old program to the entire world. This is the birth of Steemit. mountain-landscape-2031539_1920.jpg

He created a wonderful program. Flawless in his eyes until issues started appearing. Currently steemit is awesome but no match for its predecessor(bitcoin) as at now. Steemit has moved through several stages and its still evolving into something better. Now a new addition is being added to make it much more awesome. All of these progress are as a result of problems encountered and solved as the program grew over years. The first step is always that which matters.

I am not saying its going to be easy as you want to accomplish that task or project you are feeling hesitant to start. But i can tell you, it takes only small concerted efforts to make it happen. Use time as a weapon and divide all your task in small and easily achievable objectives. Indeed Just take the First Step.


Principle of divide and counquer. Thats how christopher columbus conquer the world if i am not mistaken.

Yes, just take that first step. Most times we dream big, we imagine a lot of things we could accomplish but we just fail to take that first step. We are afraid we will fail, we are scared of what people will say, we see challenges and we become weak. But there are no great accomplishments without challenges. Except we want to die small, without making any impact. So, let's take the first step. Forget how huge it is, just take a step. Thanks so so much for this @tj4real

The first step, first! Very true, and in all aspects of life. Martin Luther had it right.

Lao TZu, the re-known Chinese philosopher alluded to the same, popularly observing that - The journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step!

It really is about the first step. Failure to take the first step, i agree, is the undoing of many a person. And the reason many great ideas never see life.

The thing about taking the first step, is that it gives you some sort of LCM, something to build on, a point of reference ...It brings confidence, if especially that first step is a success, and brings perseverance if it doesn't turn out exactly as planned, including the chance to refine it.

No one has it all worked out before starting, trust me. Those who think they have it all worked out from start, often find out they didn't. Time makes sure of that, as does practice.

But of course it is a good thing to have an idea of how far you'd like to go, if up on a journey. Think of it as a vision. There is no harm picturing the last stair, even if you do not yet see it, if anything, it should encourage you to take the first step toward it.

But when all is said and done, it really is all about the first step.

Inspirational @tj4real.


@tj4real, thank you for making this post. I, just yesterday, had this very same thought. I am new to Steemit and had that feeling of anxiety before I pressed the "post" button for my first post here on Steemit. I can now say that starting was indeed a step in the right direction. It is now easier for me to move forward because of that "first step". The hardest part of doing anything is indeed "the start", "the first step". We should always aim to remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. Thank you again for sharing.

I don't understand with this picture...
Talk about what...?

Right up my ally! Thank you!

if you want more upvotes check out my last blog post @a-0-0

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excellent content of motivation, one context very incredible.
very good post friend tj4real.

Hard work and constant struggle is the only path to success.

inspirasi yang bagus, menulis sekaligus memotivasi pembaca. aliran jari untuk menulis di awali dengan merenung.