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RE: Who Will Down Vote Haejin After the Fork

in #busy6 years ago

What if we didn't name them votes... What if we named them visibility points?

Look I am fine with disagreeing on somethings, at the end of the day...

if no one looks at the site and no one curates it's a problem. Label that problem however you want and we all might see a few points differently...

I don't want to focus on that, if people just Downvoted and Upvoted their own personal preferences that would help a lot even though we would still likely have some places where we disagree. Right now, barely any curation is happening.


You can rename rewards to whatever you need to escape the ethical dilemma of cheating at the game, it will not change the fact that you are condoning cheating.

It doesn't matter at all what they're called, it matters what the act of buying and selling them does to the entire ecosystem, from the very premise of why they exist in the first place all the way to who that act attracts and the effects those actors will have in turn. I think I know why you didn't want to explain the reason for your disapproval of certain content not deserving the votes they bought, it's because you don't even want to broach the issue of what is good or bad, but the reason why I asked that was to point out that Vote Buying itself, that proposal, it appeals to a certain kind of person and many will try to deny it, but it a obvious enough, the same kind of people buy sex, they try to entice others with marketing and hype, they are focused primarily on appearance and such superficial things, but at the end of the day, after they came on some strangers tits, after they sold someone the fluff, after they finished spinning their wheels about "exposure" and such vapid things, they undoubtedly know the bitter unsatisfactory taste that it leaves, the net negative, or they are psychopaths and they enjoy using others, they derived satisfaction from such debasement.