Can not be said clearly to yourself

in #busy6 years ago

Uma said, "No, I must go there alone. You know a little bit, please. "

Shikiprasad was thinking. This time, in his voice, there was no silly humor. A little bit of Aisia. He asked, "Who can hear it there?"

Uma did not pull, said, "All things are to be told by Sabhai?"

  • "I need to tell you at least."

  • "There are many things that can not be said clearly to yourself."

Suddenly, Satchiprasad said, "It would be inconsistent to help me without telling me."

Uma smiled; Said, "Even if you helped, Agopal Mallick's leene did not come to the door of the house, he would have to walk. I can be alone in the knee. "

When he said this to turn the pages of the book, he noticed that the book is a railway-related law brochure. So long as he sent his mind to the search for Sighi Gopal Mallik, he was reading it so carefully!