Rise up to say anything against him

in #busy6 years ago

Shatiprasad was sitting quietly on one side of the court of Tarkatpausa, Aruna stood by the verdict against the foolishness of Mania's daughter, who now belongs to him. Satchiprasad recently said that Umar was doing Umdemadi, his mind did not rise up to say anything against him, so all his anger went away on the lamp. Speaking like a very wise person, Satchiprasad said, "You should not allow all the undesirable people to enter the house. If a good person lived, his friend had a meaning, but now what to say without access to this entry into his house. "

Uma Maa's wrong-doing was completely overturned, she could not keep her restraint in this unwanted criticism. The excited said, "How do you say anything else?" Do you have eyes, have eyes transparency? He himself did not come here, I called him. Apart from that grandfather has died, we will not make excuses for this dishonesty of ours. He was unwanted in our world, it is our misfortune. Surely, when he came in contact, he would have felt the thrill of discovering a new world. "