in #cage7 years ago

Life is not a bed of roses, it is full of undulations, set backs, and challenges. In interacting with young people especially in the university system where I once had the opportunity to lecture, one question that keeps reoccurring is "why is it that things don't go the way I plan?" We set plans but will end up stranded, dejected and frustrated. But we fail to realise that these daunting challenges we find ourselves in qualifies us for self discoveries which ultimately leads to greatness. Young folks just like the easy path with little or no resistance.

The cage experience represents Your inability to upset some bills, poor academic grades, disappointments from trusted allies, not meeting up with set targets, e.t.c. Many great people we read and talk about today had their share of down moments. We have had at one time even at this point in time, down moments when we secretly cried.

I remember while in college, I had terrible grades, I was among the least in class in terms of academic performance. I gave up on school mehn! I told myself school is not for me. I enjoyed playing football. So I told myself, Praise you will be a great footballer. At that time I encouraged myself with stories of school dropouts who later became rich and famous. Hmm!!!

I didn't know that even if I am good at something it doesn't follow that it is my calling or purpose, if I am not equipped for it, I will end up as a calamity. Now the great people I saw at that time got there through hard work and great resilience, they didn't stumble on greatness, fame or wealth. It was not only their talent or potentials that brought them success. Trust me, they are more talented footballers than Ronaldo and Messi. That's where we miss it... Nothing good comes easy dear. I wasn't even exercising daily and my stamina level was nothing to write home about. When I realised that football was even demanding and tasking, well, you know the end of the story. See a man diligent in his business, he will stand before kings. When opportunity meets preparation, greatness is inevitable.

The time between your cage experience and your greatness, is your "defining moment". This moment is very critical. This is your gestation period, where you acquire, learn and position yourself for greatness in order to advance to the next phase of life. Challenges are not to be avoided, they help shape us.
Can you imagine that boy that always performed poorly in class becoming a first class graduate of International Relations, hmmm. Failing taught me what success really is. Yes, first class honours is good but it has been the least of the things I have been able to summount through the help of God and diligence. The road to having a first class was no small fit but the challenge of proving to all and sundry that you are worth that class, is even more daunting. I passed that stage, and every phase has been more difficult and challenging but I have leant to stay in there and enjoy my cage experience because it is not a permanent one, so I make good use of the experience.

Please make good use of that challenge and don't be discouraged. Underneath every challenge is an opportunity to be great. You don't know the limit to which you can do certain things until you have been stretched. Your cage experience isn't a "life sentence imprisonment but a life process improvement."

Just imagine a class of 30 students of various sizes, heights and genders and suddenly when a lecture is going on, a lion enters the class with a strong roar, you will be surprised to see the very fat ones running faster than the slim students to escape the imminent attack of the lion. If you interviewed those fat students, they will tell you they were surprised themselves that they could run that fast, before that time they couldn't even jug for 1 minute. What a challenge or life threatening circumstance pushed them to do what won't ordinarily would have done. Embrace challenges my dear!!!

You see people start a project they passionate about but give up mid way or at slightest appearance of an impediment. Bad idea. The way up is not smooth. You will meet brick walls, resistances, contending forces in human form and even the environment. Challenges are necessary so embrace them and brace up. You too can be great!!!

Surprisingly, did you know that menstrual circle has its benefits? All those sleepless nights because of terrible menstrual cramps and migraines have essential benefits that can be good for a ladies health. According to research, menstruation itself is a natural cleanser. Your cycle as a lady is your body’s own way of cleansing and flushing out toxins naturally. During your period, your body discharges excess iron. Flushing out excess iron helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Will you say as a lady, you don't want to ever experience menstrual circle because of the pains it comes with, big No, it is unavoidable until a certain age. So you prepare for it right? Lesson: underneath every challenge is a blessing. So instead of praying not to be confronted with challenges, prepare for challenges, they are necessary ingredients that fuels ones advancement into the league of greatness.

Another very important point to note in your cage experience moment is that you don't wait for the experience to be over before you embark on something productive. Do something!!! Start now! No matter what you have, where you are or your age. "Adversity is the mother of creativity". All you need is a creative mind. Start writing that book, start that recording, start that radio station, start, start, start!!! Forget what people are saying, let them laugh my dear. Do that thing you have always wanted to do. If it gives you joy. Remember it is not always easy at first.

I started a graphic design outfit recently were I get to design flyers, complimentary cards, logos etc. This is something I am passionate about but I lacked the basic knowledge, neither did I have the tools. All I had was my phone, a can do spirit and a creative mind. That outfit (OPP Tech) has and still gives me cash to meet some needs and settle some bills. Day by day I keep growing and getting better. You don't have to get it figured out at once. Start with what you know and open your mind to learn every time especially from the inputs of your clients or customers.
Visualizing your success before it happens helps your mind prepare to realize the success you visualized. Spend a few minutes daily seeing yourself not as you are, but as you want to be. Muhammad Ali started saying 'I am the greatest', before he became the greatest.
I rest my case for now. Remember, your cage experience isn't a life sentence imprisonment but a life process improvement!!!
Thanks for reading.

OYEM, Praise Precious wrote this
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