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RE: Thanks @nextgencrypto
Water off a duck's back now... took me a while though. I have set something up that will assuage my desire to defend myself :) For what it's worth, on a platform that I don't really care about anymore.
The storm is coming :) I am now into the early stages of haxing teh codez, had a minor disaster this morning running an automated pretty printing filter over my source repository, had to roll back the changes and lost a bunch of work I was doing yesterday. But, no biggie, I am learning how to do this stuff as I go along.
Always have a plan B, cause us real haxxors never have a plan BACKUP :D
My backup is git. Linus Torvalds is my homie.
git clone leenus
I for one welcome our benevolent dictator for life of our kernels :)
He really did change the world. And he's such a nice guy!