Sasanqua camellias are a drought tolerant fall blooming shrub that work well as an accent plant, hedge, or tall foundation planting. Pruned up it makes for a good "small tree" form. There are numerous cultivars available, including dwarf forms. Does well in containers and container plants can be overwintered indoors in greenhouses or cool but bright sunrooms to protect from frost.
Camellias are susceptible to a number of fungal diseases including leaf spots, anthracnose, viruses, black mold, petal blight, canker, and root rot. If petal blight occurs (browning that runs from edges to the center), all infected plant parts should be promptly removed. Yellow leaves with green veins may indicate chlorosis which can be treated by adding iron chelates to the soil. Scale can be a troublesome insect pest. Aphids, planthoppers, and spider mites may also cause problems.