The Devil will lose this battle: Why I left Cameroon

in #cameroon3 years ago

The last time I posted on Steemit was in 2018. At that time, I was working in a very cosy job as a Technology manager for an oil and gas company in Cameroon. I had been in that position for 9 years. Work was getting too monotonous and I was not happy with the workplace politics. (I have never liked personal conflicts). Also, the socio-political situation in Cameroon was getting worse with the Ambazonian war of secession.

My wife and I discussed these issues and questioned whether it was the right environment to bring up our four children, the youngest was our little girl who at the time was only a few months old. Whenever we asked ourselves that question, the answer kept coming back: "No."

My wife and kids had never lived anywhere else. I had lived in the UK for 13 years and travelled a fair bit around the world. Moving was no issue for me.

In 2011, my wife and I had visited Ghana on a short vacation and we fell in love with the people and the environment. I had even postulated for jobs in Accra to no avail. I had some money, and on leaving a top management job, my company would give me a handsome leaving package.

Towards the beginning of July 2018, I went to see my colleague, the HR manager to say I was thinking of leaving. She was shocked. She tried to talk me out of it. She said there could be a possibility of an expatriation position in Beijing, China. That was not pleasing to me. I had been studying the Blockchain technology, had a few cryptocurrency investments, a house in Douala, Cameroon, and strongly felt it was the right time to go somewhere new and start working for myself.

It was time to leave time to pack up and leave...