Canada's Hockey Passion

in #canada6 years ago

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When you live in a country like Canada that is truly passionate about hockey, it's not such a strange sight to see a summer pool doubling as a skating rink in the winter. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do if you just want to shoot some pucks at the net. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of pucks in the bushes around this property.

I remember making a makeshift rink on the lagoon behind our house in Lagoon City. I would chop a hole through the ice and bucket water to make a smoothish surface. I was pretty sure I was never going to be in the NHL but it was fun just skating. The time of day never mattered to me, it all had its appeal. The daytime was nice and the nights were crisp and cold. I skated under the stars many times and they were so clear because there were never any streetlights where we lived. I miss those crisp cold nights. I miss the sound of my skates on the ice and not another sound for miles.

I learned a lot. I learned how to be alone. I learned how to enjoy my own company and to not be disquieted by solitude.
