3 Foods That Increase The Risk Of Cancer!

in #cancer7 years ago

We often discuss that alcohol increases the risk of cancer and we all know that cancer is not curable. At least not so far. The experts are working day in and day out to find the formula that could cure this deadly disease but so far, no luck. It proves that you must be careful with your activities and avoid those that contribute to cancer.

Taken from pixabay.com

If you look at the society of United States, you'll notice that they are the victims of this deadly disease. But they are not alone, Cancer is making people die in every part of the country. According to Cancer.gov, over 1.6 million people were affected (estimation) in the US in 2016 and around 0.6 million people were expected to die of cancer. That's insane!

Of course, we don't and can't have full control over the happening of those diseases but we have the control over things that we do, and more specifically we have the control over the food that we eat every day. Either knowingly or unknowingly, you may excessively consume such foods that could increase the risk of cancer. In this article, we'll discuss some of the foods that increase the risk of cancer.

# 1 - Red Meat:

It's not a new discovery that red meat increases the risk of cancer. But the belief was a little weak earlier until San Diego Union Tribute's latest study which confirmed that belief by revealing further that a sugar molecule results by eating red meat and they become part of your own cells which then contribute to cancer.

It doesn't mean that you should totally cut down eating red meat. Rather, it's recommended to reduce its consumption. It is often seen that red meat causes breast cancers in women and based on this fact, it is must to reduce its consumption if you're a woman.

# 2 - So-called "Low Fat" products:

Countless people consume such diets like a crazy person, especially when the product mentions "low-fat". You need to understand that if something is low fat, it doesn't mean that it will be beneficial for you because most of the things are replaced by chemicals and artificial sweeteners and colors.

The National Cancer Institute pointed out that one artificial sweetener called "Saccharin" was tested in the laboratory rats and they found that male rats were affected by the bladder cancer due to the consumption of Saccharin. Though the study didn't prove that it is harmful to humans, cancer to male rats is an indication that it can be harmful.

# 3 - Microwave Popcorn:

Your health is worth more than 2 hours of a movie. If you don't have the popcorns ready, it is better to enjoy your time without them instead of quickly cooking them in the microwave. It is proven through various studies that microwave popcorn contributes to cancer.

The reason is that artificial cancer contains a chemical that damages your lungs. And it is common for people to experience lungs cancer after consuming a lot of microwave popcorn. You can rather air pop your popcorns and enjoy the time instead of putting your life at stake just for the sake of a movie.

If you can't avoid the foods completely (and you may not be able to) then just reduce the consumption slowly and look for alternatives. It won't feel good to experience cancer as it is life-threatening and not curable.


Could you sight your sources on this, I eat a lot of popcorn, not microwave but I don't know how the other company prepares it.