Cancer Cures from Japan

in #cancer5 years ago (edited)


When the Truth about Cancer crew went to Japan, a Dr. Shin Akiyama, MD who began his career in 1989 as a Specialist in Chemotherapy, around year 2009, Dr. Akiyama started practicing Immunotherapy, particularly dendritic cell based medicine then in 2013 he started practicing Cancer Gene Therapy and now has been treating Cancer for more than 30 years.

The host of the show mentioned that their is a Clinic that does Alternative treatment s for Cancer in Tijuana, Mexico.

Dr. Shin Akiyama, MD spoke about the incidents of Cancer in Japan: Dr. Aykiyama stated that the rate of Cancer Patients have been rapidly increasing and that the number one Cancer is Garstric Cancer ... followed by Lung Cancer, Liver Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer and so on. He continued that the number 1 Cancer among women is Breast Cancer ( the use of mammography testing for Breast Cancer also increases your risk of developing Cancer in the Breast.

Gastric Cancer is the number 1 Cancer in Japan, pointing out that the main reason for this Cancer is the Helicobacter Pylori Infection. The Helicobacter Pylori Infection from the worm.

In Japan, the government allows for the use of un-conventional ( alternative ) and conventional therapies to be used upon it's patients if it is seen to work.

Since Ancient times, the Japanese people ate good healthy diets. But now more Japanese have adopted the unhealthy American diet. The citizens are now eating less and less organic healthy fruits and vegetables year by year but eating more and more processed foods and sugary foods like cakes and pastries with addictive sugar which is like a neurotoxin, leading the Japanese people to become more and more obese, have higher cholesterol levels and Diabetes disease. As all doctors in the west are taught little to nothing about nutrition, Dr. Mizukami says that Diet is very, very important to having good health.

In the early days, many mothers gave their kids high doses of the Vitamin C and even the two time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, on of the 20 greatest scientist who ever lived ( Physical chemist ) declared that 'Nearly All Diseases can be traced to a Nutritional Deficiency.'who recommended high doses of Vitamin C for Cancer. Of course, vitamin C can not be patented so the Drug Companies never have doctors recommend this safe and effect treatment for Cancer patients.

Dr. Mitzukami has been practicing medicine for half a century, using high doses of Vitamin C injection ( IV intraveneously ) to treat Patients with Cancer. Some of the patients had great success but not all of them. He states that Vitamin C treatment is a great weapon against Cancer. Though there are 33 studies showing that Vitamin C is an effective tool against Cancer, those in Conventional medicine have rediculed Dr. Mitzukami and Dr. Linus Pauling labelling the as 'quacks' for using natural treatments. Hey, those that sell and promote toxic treatments like Chemotherapy won't earn much profits if they recommended Vitamin C, will they? Those who are corrupt and controlled by the drug and vaccine manufacturers only point to 1 study that show that vitamin C was ineffective.

Since Dr. Mitzukami has worked as a epidemiologist he knows that data in studies can be changed therefore NOT ALL epidemiological date within modern medical studies and research that's publish in the medical journals can be trusted as it is easy to falsify study and make up numbers.

Some of Dr. Mitzukami's favourite Cancer treatments are Ozone (O3) therapy. The Ozone is put into the blood and after a blood transfusion is done, with no side effects. The O3 then become the O2, adding more oxygen into the body, make the environment not great for Cancer growth. Cancer hates Oxygen. Another treatment, Dr. MITZUKAMI likes is BEE Propolis as it has a direct killing effect on Cancer cells but not on human cells.

The show goes on to tell us that RIGVIR ( rig virus ) is a non-modified, non-mutating live oncolytic human virus that was discovered in Latvia by Professor Aina Muceniece. The RIGVIR live virus is a selectively toxic virus that is very effective in treating Melanoma was approved by the Latvian FDA. The RIGVIR virus infects the tumor cell, it replicates within the tumor cell then it destroys and blows up the tumor cell. RIGVIR has an immune modulating activity of the white blood cell known as leukocytes and there are many types of leukocytes some are lymphocytes, macrophages, monocytes, dendritic cells and , having a duel action of being an oncolytic virus.

In Japan, they have the technology that can multiply the white blood cells in this case the Monocytes by large numbers for Dendritic Cell treatments as opposed to the western treatments of producing only 1 monocyte to 1 monocyte.

Dr. Mitzukami wishes that his Advanced Cancer Patients get very safe Cancer treatments with no side effect to increase their quality of life.

Later the TTAC crew interviewed a Dr. Suzuki and one of his patients. Dr. Suzuki explains that his patient June developed Anaplastic thyroid cancer four years ago and was given 4-6 months to live. The Cancer spread to her lungs and she did chemotherapy for her Cancer which helped shrink her Cancer and this allowed them to do a 10 hour operation to remove the Cancer but there was a complication during her surgery where the surgeon found an abnormal connecton, a fistula between the esophagus and the trachea. Her doctors recommeded a high calorie therapy as a treatment for this but instead the patient June did a 'water fast', opposite to what her doctor recommended. The results from this water fast was miraculous, her abnormal fistula began to shrink and her Cancer went away. Dr. Suzuki was so impressed that he reported this to the Japanese Thyroid Cancer Congress. His patient water fasted for only 12 days. Her fistula is getting better.

Next part of the TTAC crew stayed to interview a famous Japanese author named Shunsuke Funase who wrote 250 books, one of which is titled the Dangers of Chemotherapy.

The author Shunsuke Funase found that the Chemotherapy medicine used on Cancer patients is a very bad poison and this poison will kill the patients. He explains that Chemotherapy treatments are used to kill patients and not to cure them. What led Funase to conclude that Chemotherapy is used to kill Cancer patients is: The government officer who is in charge of chemotherapy management who belongs to the Public Welfare Ministry was interviewed by Shunsuke Funase. Funase asked this officer if Chemotherapy can be used to cure Cancer Patients. The officier answered 'Chemotherapy CAN NOT cure Cancer, it's common sense'. Then Funase asked this officer, tell him that there is a rumour about Chemotherapy being very harmful? The officer answered 'YES, Chemotherapy is a very bad poison.'

The host of the show concluded that Chemotherapy which is a chemical poison are used by doctors around the world who are fighting this Cancer War, does that even make sense?

The author Shunsuke Funase was asked why his book 'Dangers of Chemotherapy' was only published in Japanese. The answer from Funase was that he knew a famous American Healer who advised Funase to 'never' translate this book into English and never sell this book in the United States of America because if you do, you will be killed within 2 weeks.

In 1971, the then U.S. President Nixon declared a War on Cancer but are we really winning this war on Cancer if 90% of Oncologists ( Cancer Doctors ) don't even take their own treatments. After so many decades, why is this continuous War on Cancer still rage on? This fake War on Cancer continues because lots of people are making big money from the sales of toxic treatments like Chemotherapy and Radiation.
Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph. D says that Chemotherapy uses the most powerful toxins known to humans and these toxins are being sold to patients as a way to kill Cancer cells but these Chemo toxins also kill healthy cell in your body and damage organs which make recovery from Cancer even more difficult. Substances in Chemotherapy drugs are in fact Cancer-causing chemicals and will induce and create New Cancers in your body. YES, Chemotherapy creates Cancers in your body.

Another group that belonged to the TTAC crew headed to Sendai, accompanied by Hiro Emoto, the son of Dr. Masaru Emoto, the doctor who showed how water can hold onto vibration, frequency and even emotions, can also be used to protect from radiation. They all went to visit Dr. Maruyama who happens to be a big fan of THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER show. Ty Bollinger asked Dr. Maruyama about Fukushima and the nuclear meltdown that occurred in 2011, Dr. Maruyama generously gave one of many EMF Radiation Protectors and also shared one of the herbs that he uses for his Cancer patients, GINSENG ( Panax Ginseng ). A number of animal and human studies showed that Panax Ginseng may reduce the risk of several types of Cancers. This report appears in the July 2000 issue of 'Cancer Causes & Control', a medical journal that's published in Holland. Ginseng is a traditional Chinese medicine but Dr. Maruyama is using 'double fermented ginseng', which looks like black paste. The Panax Ginseng is fermented in lactic acid and Aspergillus Oryzae (fungus). Aspergillus Oryzae, known in English as Koji, is a filamentous Fungus used in Chinese and other East Asian Cuisine to ferment soybeans for making Soy Sauce.
Koji can ferment Chinese herbal medicine thus making the herbs even more potent in fighting Cancer. This unique Chinese herbal medicine is more effective than conventional treatments at treating Cancer. Dr. Maruyama not only uses Panax Ginseng but also other herbs that are staples of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Maruyama says that if you can't get a hold of the fermented Ginseng, just ferment something close to you.

Next interview was with Hideo Nakajima who discusses GcMAF which is an emerging treatment for Autism caused by Vaccines and Cancer. But the TTAC was asked NOT to use any of the GcMAF section in the TTAC documentary because he was afraid that if he travelled to the United States that he would be killed.

Hideo Nakajima said that Immunotherapies like dendritic cells or natural killer cell vaccine or the 2nd generation GcMAF ... GcMAF wakes up macrophages. Macrophages are quite aggressive and eats up Cancer cells. GcMAF works by decreasing Nagalase, thus activiting the Macrophages and your immune system.

Dr. Bita Badakhshan, M.D. from previous show also explains GcMAF. Nagalase level tells where your immune system is at. In a healthy patient, your Nagalase level should be less than one but if you have virus or Cancer in your body then the Nagalase levels tend to be higher. And if the level shows higher than one but they do not have Cancer then Dr. Badakhshan will tell patients that their immune system is being suppressed and then they will develop Cancer. Cancer can not develop if your immune system is healthy.
White blood cells also called leukocytes are the cells of the immune system and macrophages are specific kind of White Blood Cell. Macrophages live longer than T-cells, natural killer cells when they can help gobble up lots of Cancer cells, bacteria, viruses and fungi.

It's well known that fermentation makes herbs and foods healthier and benefits the immune system. Dr. Koichiro Fujita, MD says that Fermented foods contain a lot of good bacteria (probiotics) and prebiotics that are great for gut (microbiome) health and helps increase the immune function. He goes on to say that 70% of the immune system bacteria lives in the gut flora whereas Chemotherapy and prescription drugs kill a lot of good bacteria thus lowering our immune system. Dr. Fujita continues to say that there is a common therapy in the USA called fecal implants. This proves that having a good gut flora is very important for overall health.

If Chemotherapy kills gut Flora and also causes 'dysbiosis'which is an imbalance of the bacteria in your gut then how can chemotherapy be an 'effective' method of extending the life of Cancer patients.

There is a study of two different groups, one group got Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery ... the other group didn't take those therapies and lived with their Cancer. The group that didn't take the chemo and radiation lived longer and happier lives than the group that had the toxic treatments. The Japanese people who lived in Okinawa had the longest life expenctancy in Japan BEFORE the war, however the American Military arrived in Okinanwa 75 years ago, introducing American Food to that area, now Okinawa is no longer #1 in life expenctancy in Japan. The citizens of Okinawa now just have an average life expectancy due to American Food.

In a previous interview, Dr. Matthias Rath in the Netherlands explains how big pharmaceutical company IG Farben, comprised of Bayer, Hoechst and BASF was responsible for building the concentration camps in Nazi Germany.
People need to know that Auschwitz was the 'Mega Death' extermination camp that was built to terminate Jewish, Slavic people and people who the NAZIS did not like, this decision was made by Bayer, Hoechst and BASF drug manufacturers. They used these people as slaves to help build their industrial plants. Up until today, the drug and vaccine manufacturers still put profits over people's lives.

Norio Ishizaki an info warrior in Japan says that people need to know the truth and conspiracy exists. He says that big pharmaceutical companies, medical industry and also mainstream media are stooges for the Globalists.

Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa, the most renowned Japanes experts on Cancer explains that Cancer has exploded in Japan and all over the world because of lifestyle change, toxic pollution, radiation, artifical additives in food and stress this may lead to reduced immunity. There are many, many causes for Cancer he says.

Fukushima Radiation is also a problem for Japanese people living near Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown area. Peole who lived in that area during the meltdown are effected. Dr Yanagisawa treated 16 Fukushima workers who were working at the nuclear power plant at the accident area that was contaminated. The gene expressions of these workers were tested and the scores increased due to radiation. These workers were treated with intravenous Vitamin C and other Vitamin C plus oral Vitamin E and alpha lipoic acid and more antioxidants and supplements. 2 months later their Cancer risk scores return to normal levels. So high doses of IV Vitamin C and other antioxidants and supplements can reduce the risk of radiation damage. Dr Atsuo Yanagisawa is also involved in Orthomolecular Medicine which is the prevention and curing of diseases by using Proper Nutrition, Vitmains and Mineral, Ozone and Hydrogen, Amino Acids and Nutrients. These are essential for keeping optimum health. Dr. Yanagisawa also confirmed that at Medical School he was not taught anything about nutrition.
In his clinic he uses salvestrol which are contained in fruits, vegetables and herbs.
Cancer cells have an enzyme CYP1B1 but normal cells do not have this enzyme.
Once Salvestrol enters the cells, and CYP1B1 ... it changes Salvestrol to an apoptosis inducing substance. On the other hand, normal cells have no CYP1B1 so SAlvestrol does not have any effect on it. Salvestrol is natural and good for your body. Salvestrol don't harm the normal cells and only kills the cancer cells.
Salvestrol is produced by natural fruits and vegetables on the last day or two as they ripen on the vine. Unless it ripens on the branch, and it works with the CYP1B1 enzyme system to become selectively toxic to cancer cells. Unless you are eating vine ripened, you are NOT getting Salvestrol. Most of all fruits and vegetable are not vine rippen. In treating Cancer, you need to be stress free as stress reduces the body's immunity.
Dr. Yanagisawa ... has many patients who has stage 4 Cancer and survived more than 5 years because they 'didn't' listen to the doctor. He goes on to say that the modern conventional doctor and oncologist ( Cancer Doctor ) gives fear to the patients first, causing the patient to stress out thus lowering the immunity to fight the Cancer. Modern Medicine is the main problem.
Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa says he has many patients with Advanced Cancer, and told that there was no hope and survived because they did not listen to their conventional doctor.
A patient named Yuka was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer Sarcoma, a very aggressive type of Cancer. She decided to have surgery and have her uterus removed. Her doctor also recommended Chemotherapy on top of the surgery as she was told that the Cancer was very aggressive. She took one round of Chemotherapy and developed an allergic reaction and did not go on to do another round. This patient said that the Chemotherapy was very painful and she did not like it. Later she declined all the conventional treatments and went to the Cancer Control Society and discovered alternate safer treatments that have little to no side effects. She began to eat a ketogenic diet with healthy clean meats, organic non gmo vegetables and good oils, avoiding sugar and having low salt. This patient has been on a Ketogenic diet for 2 years and feels very strong and athletic. Surprisly, after 6 months on the ketogenic diet her skin became vibrant and the hair that fell out from the chemo grew back. Now her family who wanted so much for her to continue her chemotherapy had to admit that Yuka was correct in choosing the safer more natural way to heal her Cancer.

A Dr. Tetsuo Muneta explain why the approach to treating advanced Cancers with a Ketogenic Diet is often very effective in dealing with Cancer.

Dr. Tetsuo Muneta says that Ketone bodies are made of fat and if you consume a lot of sugar or grains, ketone bodies will NOT be produced. If you decreased your sugar intake and have a low-carbohydrate diet, ketone bodies will be produced. On the ketogenic diet, your diet should consist of lots of good fats like Avacado, Meat, Eggs and Cheese. Saturated fats are good fats, some examples are from animal sources and coconut oil, which contains MCTs which are medium-chain triglycerides and that these are appropriate fats for the Ketogenic diet. He continues that the advantage of the Ketogenic diet is the energy is not sugar, so it starves cancer cells, at the same time it's giving energy to normal cells. That's why ketogenic diet works for Cancer. The mitochondria are the 'energy generators' for the cells, however in Cancer cells we typically see damaged mitochondria and or inactive mitochondria. Because of damaged or inactive mitochondria in the Cancer cells, they begin fermenting sugar, in a process called 'glycolysis' and they are not able to utilize ketone bodies for energy. Cancer cells can't live without sugar to provide them energy thus starving the Cancer cells to death.

Another Cancer patient Yukiyo tells us how she used the Gerson Therapy to 'reverse' her Cancer. Her story is that her aunty died of Breast Cancer and now she too was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Her father also had Prostate Cancer, stage 4 so she was familiar with the Gerson Therapy. So after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer she immediately began the Gerson Therapy, juiced organic carrots and greens twice a day. SHE TRIED TO WARM UP HER BODY because in low temperature Cancer can grow fast. She would go to her hotsprings and soak her body to warm it up, twice a day.
Basically this is what Yukiyo did each day:

  • 2 times a day had carrot juice
  • soak body in hot bath 2 times a day
  • stopped eating sweets
  • stopped eating salty foods
  • did coffee enema 2 times a day
    Yukiyo says acupuncture and massage is also good for Cancer patients. She is now healthy

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Juicing fires up the immune system and produces cellular engery in the cells, eating raw fruits, raw vegetables and raw juicing it turns the acidic raw fruits and veggies into an alkaline ash called potassium hydroxide, this breaks down and forms water allowing your body to properly oxygenate the body by neutralizing acidity, changing the charge of the cell membrane, making sugar in these fruit and vegetable juices can now be easily converted to massive amounts of energy, boosting up your immune system. The Gerson Therapy has a history of reversing advanced diseases. With this therapy where you are forming massive amounts of water on a cellular level, toxins will begin to get flushed out of the cells and into the bloodstream which needs to be released using a Coffe Enema.
Your liver produces the Glutathione transferase, it's the most potent detoxifying enzyme in the human body. The liver uses Palmitic Acid as the chemical base to produce the Glutathione Transferase which is in properly roased organic coffee, it's lightly lightly roasted, it's not a drinking coffee. The Coffee Enema uses a particular bean and it's not a drinking bean, it's roasted so lightly that you don't denaturize it like drinking coffee. Properly roasted coffee is loaded with palmitic acid. Doing one coffee enema produces 600-700% more Glutathione Transferase. In patients doing the Gerson Therapy, the patients do 5 coffee enemas a day.
Coffee enemas are a staple within the Gerson Therapy and were also in the Merck Manual until the 1970s as the best way to detox your liver.

Incorporating Art, Music and Dance into your life can also assist you in healing your Cancer. Musical Frequencies in Wholetones music are being used which actually effect the live blood where the blood clumped together before the patient listens to the muscial frequencies of Wholetone music and the blood cells are separate and healthy after lisening to the frequencies. It's great that music and frequencies can be used to protect and heal our body from Cancer.

Hiro Emoto, the son of Dr. Emoto did decades of research on water and how it can heal your body. Dr. Emoto was famous for discovering the world of hado. Dr. Emoto treated more than 10,000 patients with a Hado measuring device and water and healed a lot of people from different diseases mentally and physically. Dr. Emoto knew that water can memorize information. Then he came up with a Water Crystal Photography to prove his theory is accurate. Dr. Emoto demostrated his MRA (magnetic resonance analyzer) and explained how each body part and organ has it's own unique resonance, field and vibration. The healing resonances and vibrations can be infused into the water similar to the Echo H2 machine by Paul Barattiero that infuses healing frequencies into water.

Seiichiro Yoshinouchi said that after measuring the vibration and energy, they have all the necessary information to heal the patient and can imprint this information into the water. When Seiichiro Yoshinouchi uses the Hado technology he checks the person's energy and creates a custom water specifically for them.
A famous film producer by the name of Tetsu Shiratori developed a terminal cancerous brain tumor ( late stage brain cancer ) in the center of his brain. Any surgery would be risky so he waited and drank HADO WATER. Seiichiro used his MRA to check the guy's brain tumor and found that the root cause was a very strong fear, that was the cause of his tumor. The patient went under hypnotherapy and seiichiro discovered that the patient deeply belived that a lion had eaten his head when he was a little boy in his past life and thus the cause of his Brain Tumor. This patient continued on with drinking HADO water and had his brain tested in the hospital one year later and the brain tumor was completely gone. At the beginning this film producer who had the terminal brain cancer relied soley on western medicine which consisted of chemotherapy and radiaton but quickly realized that it had it's limitations and decided to use other treatments like HADO WATER. He also realized that our body is not only physical, but emotional and spiritual. So the film director Tetsu Shiratori discovered that he harboured anger toward is assistant director so he decided to meet with that assistant director and he forgave him. He also had many layers of anger and he handled each issue one by one as if peeling the layers of an onion addressing the issues with forgiveness. After 18 months, with HADO WATER therapy, his brain cancer was gone. Love and forgiveness creates natural serotonin and oxytocin in our body. Too much stress, too much anger, too much fear and adrenaline creates unhealthy vibrations and can damage your physical body.

Back to Seiichiro Yoshinouchi who majored in Microbiology and Engineering who love the MRA Machine and HADO WATER technology believes that you not only need to heal the patient's physical body but also their mental and emotional as well.

Even if you have Caner, it's not a death sentence, you can live happily even if you have Cancer.

This post is not medical advice, only my own opinion as I am NOT a medical doctor. Please do your own research.