Cali Flowers-"Cookie Gela"

in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)

These Girll Scout Cookies and Gelato cross is amazing, truly amazing..

it smells very dank; way better than normal cookies.

Follow Me @armen

Some sticky stuff...


Very good as always! Keep on smoking and cooking! :D

Nice post..following you for more.

Thank you, following back.

Welcome Sir...
You are awesome………..!! Thank you very much!!
I will be very glad , if you suggest me how to improve my post as my senior.

Smells way better than normal cookies Ahh these must be DANK

I get so wrapped up in the business of life that I lose myself. And then I see your pictures and know exactly what I should do next.

That does look like some sticky stuff.
Keep staying high @armen! :)
Great Photographs

Nice cookies!!! Keep sharing a post!!

looking wonderful thanks for sharing

Looks rather tasty Mr. @armen. Enjoy :)

Me like cookie...girl scout cookie...cookie gela....MMMMMMMM YES!