
So it is!
Looking forward to your projects and maybe a collaboration? :)

Thank you. I haven't thought about that. I would be open to it, though.

This is less organized than that but I do encourage people who write about marijuana to post in the cannabis tag. The community there is pretty good about supporting and resteeming good content.

I am not sure which tag would be best for discussions of drugs in general or if one exists at all. I would like to see a community to grow around that type of content, though. Maybe some of us who have this interest can come together decide which tag is best or create a new one and we could all promote that tag to our followers who are already reading our own personal drug related content. It wouldn't take off over night but in time it might give us all a place where we can help support each other and easily find content that interests us. Plus it is something relatively easy that we can all do by simply writing or resteeming a few posts about the new tag. I may write a post on the subject and see how my followers respond. If we do create a new tag we need to pick one and stick with it so it can establish itself. it could be drugtruth or intoxi-nation or, hopefully, something more cleaver than those tag names lol.

That's what I'm talking about! ;)
Do you have discord?
My work at the moment is to filter and find competent partners ^^

I don't. At the moment, I am only on steemit.

I went ahead and posted something about this on my page so hopefully someone sees it. I picked intoxi-nation for now but I will take feedback on tag names and we can see if there is a better idea.

I just woke up, have now some things to do but will read your post and see if I find some more people who want to become active ;)

Thanks. I just set up a discord account since you and a few other people have asked me about it. I haven't played with the site yet but once I do I'll try get at you so maybe we can work some of that other stuff out.

Hey :) What's your name on discord?

Its Artistic Screeching. I haven't started using the sit yet but I did actually set up an account. I'll get on there tomorrow and play with it a little bit.