The Nine Blade
For reference, I can palm a basketball.
Giant, nine bladed leaf off an accidental seed I’m testing out
Looking promising
For reference, I can palm a basketball.
Giant, nine bladed leaf off an accidental seed I’m testing out
Looking promising
that mystery indica is gonna be huge
She’s already short & fat & about ready to flip 👍
Gorgeous specimen!
Do you often remove overly large fan leaves, and if so, when?
I’ll pluck them if they are flower blocking light whenever. I pulled this one because it was at the bottom not getting any light & killing the airflow
Damn bro thats a beaut! What type of feeding regiment are you using? Cheers.
Just occasionally amended no till soil & a little cal mag in my ro water, been using the same soil for a year 👍
Thats awesome. I love how no till prenounces a terp profile. Have you seen some of the no till sips? Holy moly. Your garden looks great. Much respect growmie.
That would make anyone do a double take!! That's huge!!
My biggest indoor leaf for sure
Wow, what a leaf!
Big fatty
You can knock somebody out with that thing!