'THC Not Scientifically Linked To Impaired driving,' says Michigan commission

in #cannabis5 years ago


One of the main arguments in favor of government interference,

oh, I meant regulation😉 of #cannabis is the issue of impaired driving. It seems kind of like the “who will build the roads?” argument always used by people in favor of taxation. It gets dragged out and marched around any time the issue of regulation comes up. Impaired driving is the go to reason many don’t want legalization at all.

I’ll be watching this one closely, to see if this recommendation is followed. As most of us know, just because a government body requests, appoints, and pays ( with our taxes, mind you) researchers to inform them on how to decide an issue, it doesn’t mean they’ll follow those recommendations. Too often if the data doesn’t fit the agenda it will be ignored.

Michigan’s six member committee,

The Impaired Driving Safety Commission, has recommended the state not set THC limits on Michigan drivers. After scientifically studying the effects of THC on driving, the report found that there is a weak correlation between THC bodily content and driving impairment, and that the no tolerance policy, which assumes impairment at the level of detection, ≥1ng/ml, could falsely conclude that an individual is impaired when they are not.
I was happy to read that they’re bringing attention to the fact that regular users of cannabis require ‘a much higher THC bodily content in order to achieve the desired effect.’ So a state-imposed limit on ‘THC may not accurately reflect the driver's level of impairment.’




I was happy to read that they’re bringing attention to the fact that regular users of cannabis require ‘a much higher THC bodily content in order to achieve the desired effect.’

I am glad you find a way to be positive about this fact … I wish it weren't so! :D

My experience approved the study.