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RE: Why Steemit should have a Cannabis focused step child, a YUGE opportunity awaits the right team! (Ooh Post #420!)

in #cannabis8 years ago

Meh, not worried, just the first time any auto downvotes have come my way recently :p I just didn't want my post hidden due to low ratings lawl.

All is well in the world, they took $50-70 off the post, but not an issue.


The abit and smooth downvotes are from the 100% Johal upvote most likely. Yeah, while berniesanders is sitting here acting cool with you he recently took 80 dollars off of one of my posts. Nice friend you got there! I have TONS of cannabis related content but definitely won't be posting on "cannasteem"

And I just took $80+ off another. All, please beware of this whack job. All you need to do is look at his history to see why.