Georgia Parents Lose Their Son After Allowing Him To Have Cannabis For His Seizures

in #cannabis6 years ago

Suzeanna and Matthew Brill decided to allow their 15-year-old son to start using cannabis to see if it could help with his seizures.

They say that pharmaceuticals weren't working for their son and he was suffering from seizures on a daily basis. Concerned for his quality of life, they were willing to try almost anything to see if it could help to bring some remedy.

"The Doctors tried him on many medications (some all at once) to try and stop the seizures as he was having them daily. These medications almost cost him his life just because of their chemical nature. We trusted these Doctors that their medical expertise with these medications were in David’s best interest, past my own knowledge, my husband researched them and wow the side effects, and then watched these dangerous chemicals that are prescribed in good faith have a different chemical reaction in our son that could not have been foreseen, the seizures got worse, our son has fought many times for his life with Doctors fighting to bring him back and keep him here. " Suzeanna wrote on their GoFundMe page.

According to Matthew and his wife, their son tried cannabis and soon saw his seizures stop for more than 2 months.

But the decision to allow him to exercise his natural rights to consume cannabis cost them more than they thought it might, now that their son has been taken away from them. They also face possible fines and even jail time for their actions of trying to improve the quality of life for their son.

Their 15 year old son has now been taken to a group home and his seizures have returned

Regardless of the consequences that they might face, his parents still insist that they feel as if they made the right decision for their son.

After using the cannabis, they allege that for many days they witnessed that their son was healthy enough to live a higher quality life. And any loving parents would rather see their child enjoy their life than suffer. Unfortunately the Brill family aren't the only ones with this sort of story, as there have been many families that have been unjustly torn apart under similar circumstances.

Is their son better off living in a group home and suffering from daily seizures?

On the contrary, the move to put him in that environment and restrict his access to cannabis, seems to be degrading his quality of life and putting him in danger.

The Brill family alleges that they had been open with their doctors on the cannabis use. But they say that after they told their son's therapist about the cannabis use that shortly after they had child services and the police at their door and everyone was drug tested. The parents were already arrested over the incident and they have spent several days in jail, which caused Matthew to allegedly lose his job.

They have taken on extra work now to try and raise funds for the legal battle ahead of them and they've also turned to see if they can get some help via crowdfunding as well. They hope that they will get their son back soon but they fear that it could take many months, even longer than a year before that happens, if it ever does.

via GoFundMe


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That is a travesty of justice. It's a shame that parents are put in that position. Within the next year, the FDA is expected to approve a cannabis based drug made by GW Pharmaceuticals and an increasing number of states are legalizing the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. I hope relief comes to this family and other families in similar situations ASAP!

It's outrageous that the authorities lack even a minimal amount of common sense. Anyone of average intelligence should know better than to prosecute a family like this.

If you want to make any situation worse, just get the state involved.

too much control for plants !

Why is there such misinformation out there on a plant that makes people feel better??

Alcohol and Tobacco kill millions and the view by the general population is fine.

These stories will be a thing of the past in a few years if the movement keeps up!

Thanks for the reminder that our government/governments promote separating families over helping people in need!

Upvoted, Followed, and Resteemed!

Cannabis needs to be legalized everywhere. Nothing wrong with using what Mother Nature has to offer in order to improve quality of life. I'm no medical expert by any means, but I know the goodness of God when I see it. Plants don't make people losers. People make people losers. Too much regulation, not enough exploration!

Great post @doitvoluntarily. It is a plant. The world needs to realize weed should be legal. Canada is getting ready for it legalize it country wide as we speak :)

I imagine the despair of the parents who made that decision that their son used Cannabis, they had a lot of faith and hope in that plant but the result was another one, this is really sad

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

thank you!

You are most welcome!

It is unbelievable that this nonsense continues. Laws regarding a plant... it's just so ridiculous!

they're in the business of nonsense and they're good at it 😄