The Freedom To Medicate

A new study was recently published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine, and the results indicate that most cancer patients today report seeing improvement on their symptoms thanks to their individual cannabis use.
And this isn't the first time that cancer patients have reported seeing a better quality of life thanks to their consumption of cannabis. There are people both young and old who are turning to cannabis for help, whether it's for seizures, anxiety, stress, PTSD, or some other reason.
The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.
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Totally agree with you. But as long as the big company's in the pharmaceutical industry making big profits on their (poisonous) products, they will do everything to "fight" and/or slow down this for as long as they possibly can.
I'am a doctor and I totally agree.
some cannabinoids of the cannabis plant have a curative action against several forms of cancer. Many patient testimonials are now available on social networks, especially in the US where therapeutic cannabis is accessible much more easily than in Europe. The most common examples of healing are cases of leukemia, as well as brain tumors (gliomas), especially in children, sometimes even infants.
I believe in the effectiveness of medical cannabis against cancer and other diseases. I also believe that the corruption of the deadly pharmaceutical industry is without a doubt one of the worst in the world. But there are also many other natural alternative therapies that work effectively against various forms of cancer and that, unfortunately, are not recognized by the "official" medicine for lack of profitability.
Thank you dear @uapfiasco
Applause! Here here! Let the man speak more!
Following and voting! This is why Steemit is powerful.
Thank you for the honest and Frank reply.
Thank you for healing the people. And this plant is a powerful tool. Let us research it and know more! Keep the healing medicine in the hands of the sick, but let's make nature legal again!
Thanks @ganjafarmer
99% of medical profit companies don’t want this type of dr (not corrupt, wants to help people)
absolutely .. Thanks dear @ceattlestretch
One of my friends is on lots of medication, and each time they go to the doctor for something, it seems that their prescriptions are changed around. I worry that something terrible will happen one of these days. Not that conventional meds don't have their merrits, for they do, but use them where there needed, not where the money is.
Whaaaat? It should be regulated!!! Big brother, should decide for us! By saying people should be free, you are not thinking what would happen if everyone had freedom! Everything would be horrible! Who would pay taxes! Who would build the roads? Soo horrible, you are the reason government should restrict free speech!
On a serious note, it's sad how many people have depression, cancer or any other diseases and use chemicals that don't help. So many people die because of this, not to mention people
that get thrown in cages ;(
Thats why people should take their own decisions and find the medicine for themselves. No need to wait for the governments to approve anything.
I watched many documentaries where people in Mexico and other places are healed from cancer by following raw food diet.
Humans can heal themselves without any need for chemicals. We need to learn everything the right way.
Great work :)
Yes, people should self medicate without govt permission. Agreed!
But remember, in many places, those who do so are forced to hide, forced to pay enormous prices, and forced to participate with the sometimes-dangerous black market.
And many who do so are thrown into prison for it. I have several friends right now across Canada rotting in prison cells for peacefully growing plants and giving the medicine away to sick people.
And many die for it. In Indonesia the government is killing thousands of cannabis users right now - dozens every week. Simply for USING cannabis. And they've legalized murder of cannabis users. Many Western governments including the USA have praised their tactics.
So it's not just as simple as saying "everybody should medicate without permission and that's that". In fact it's a little unfair and simplistic imo.
My wife @MediKatie is in jail tonight in downtown Vancouver. Her crime? Standing up for her right to use cannabis and "obstructing" police from attempting an illegal search. We have been harassed, evicted in the middle of night, slandered, shunned, and assaulted because we refuse to wait for the government to approve our right to peacefully use cannabis.
We don't ask anyone to pay for it, just to stop hurting us and stealing from us for buying and using it. But that's too much to ask, apparently! : (
totally right!!
i would agree with this content, that all civilians should have the right to medicate themselfes, if they have pains!
Fight for (y)our rights
As a former employee at a medicinal marijuana grow facility in Canada that's regulated by Health Canada, I agree with allowing civilians to have access to medicine such as this to help cure and treat their ailments.
To say that cannabis has no redeeming health benefits and to label it as a Schedule 1 drug is completely ludicrous because studies were just getting underway when they banned the plant in North America. If you still think that there are no positive benefits of this miracle plant just read about how the Ancient Chinese used to prosper from harvesting both the male and female plants.
Medicinal marijuana is more than just smoking and vaping bud, hash, shatter, and oils releasing THC(tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive ingredient in mrijuana. Did you know that there are over 100 different cannabinoids in marijuana? Yeah, and your body contains receptors that react to these cannabinoids in your endocannabinoid system, the largest neurotransmitter systems in the body!
Anyway, I digress. I am all for the access to marijuana as medicine. It seems ridiculous that governments are preventing humans from using a plant that has been used in medicine and production of high quality fiber materials for over 10,000 years.
Hopefully Europe will follow suit soon enough and change those silly out-of-date laws that have been in place for far too long!
All my life, i have seen canabbis as a bad and hard drugs, even though i know some hard drugs that are quite medicinal. This your post is an eye opener.
And about being free to use, i think the government is just restricting it because , if its free to consume, many will abuse it by taking it in excess and might cause serious side effect that may pose life threatening condition to human.
Thank you @doitvoluntarily
Welcome to a new world. And the rates of opiate addiction and Alcoholism are falling in Oregon.
I feel like even for medical reasons like stress and anxiety doctors would rather jump to pharma drugs over marijuana. They get the kick back.
I really like cbd as a preventative method. It doesn't get you high or anything like that. It has so many curative properties I take the oil internally as sort of a vitamin. I just want to be in the best position I can to fight off disease.
I've thought about doing that, but being as healthy as a horse, it's hard to tell which supplaments would be beneficial, and which would just get in the way.
this 2ed time I heard of this, wondering why government not telling the truth. the truth has been hidden for a reason
but is it good or bad?