Virtual Reality Helping Cannabis Dispensaries Navigate Government Restrictions

Imagine going into a store to purchase a product and not being able to examine that product that you're' buying, getting the chance to smell it, touch it, or even look at it. Well, that's what the government in Canada allegedly has in mind for their cannabis dispensaries.
According to newly proposed federal regulations, the dispensaries in the Ontario region won't be able to show their products up front to the customers, they won't be able to look at it or smell it before making their purchase decision.
They need a solution...
Dispensaries now have the option to turn to virtual reality technology to help them get around the ridiculous restrictions that have been put into place. And the dispensaries in Canada might be the first cannabis dispensaries in the world to utilize the technology in this manner, to provide their customers with an interactive cannabis experience.
The app that is going to help them do this is known as, Weed VR, and it's going to enable customers to be able to examine 3D models of various strains, to be able to touch, grind, and roll the cannabis, before they make their decision to buy.

Dispensaries Of The Future?
Ultimately, they want to compile information about strains from around the world as they are developed. Then, they want to pair that information with other data about scientific lab data and user reviews.
The digital 3D scanning process that's behind Weed VR is reportedly helping to create the world's very first comprehensive strain library and market analysts suggest that it has the ability to significantly revolutionize the cannabis sale process in the future.

pic 2 - VRScout
Typical Ontario bullshit. I grew up there and in the 1970's you could only buy alcohol at government-owned stores, and you couldn't look at what you were buying. You had to look up a code number for a specific product, write your order on a little slip of paper, then hand it to a clerk behind a counter who would run off into the back and return with your order.
That nonsense ended many years ago but now they want to bring back a high-tech version of the same stupidity for weed. The point is, the puritan government thinks that if you smell the weed, you will go crazy, buy too much and become "addicted"
It seems bizzare to not be able to see it in the first place, but to only be able to interact with your product through virtual interface is absurd. Even if it can accuartely replicate smell, texture, etc (which I doubt) it's still seems unneccessarily restrictive. Being able to see your bud is important to look for mould, and being able to smell it is important because often what smells good to a person is what they need.
Very cool! With more places legalizing we will see constant innovation in cannabis space.
Great post @doitvoluntarily👍🍻
That’s a stupid law. It’s alnost like they want weed to continue be sold on the street.
VR is super exciting. It’s going to evolve in ways we can’t even imagine right now. I can’t wait to see what we’re doing with it in 20 years.
Great post my friend anything to help the cannabis business! @doitvoluntairily
Excellent post, I like it so I voted and shared.
Excelente post.
Hmm, interesting. Although it may give you a chance to see the cannabis what about smell it. I have a feeling that after a year or so of legalization some of these ridiculous laws will be taken away or just simply ignored as a result of their meaninglessness.

Good post @doitvoluntarily, i like it, i love marijuana.