Indoor washing machine garden update

in #cannabis2 months ago

My 8 Reclining Buddha plants are growing well. First, a shot of the largest one, which has just been 'topped'. This will encourage it to branch outward.


Here's another of the seedlings, not quite as large:


My goal is 4 females when they get put outside in a few weeks. Here's the washing machine gang tonight:


They've still had nothing but plain dirt and tap water. And that's how it will be until they're chopped down in Autumn!

I spouted some pumpkin seeds in here as well:


Looks like they need to be transplanted out into the garden! I'll get right on that after it stops raining.

Speaking of the garden, here's a shot of the new apple tree:


Here's a time-lapse of the apple tree over the past month:

And the latest 2 yard update shots:



And a time-lapse of the previous 2 months from my mid Spring update:

Today was cool and rainy, like a Spring day should be! That will be good for germination and growth. We could use a few more weeks of that.

Thank you for checking out the progress of my plants.

Grow in peace!
