New confirmation: Cannabis prevents and treats Covid-19!

in #cannabis3 years ago

I was censored on YouTube for saying this on day 1 of the plandemic, but now I'm vindicated: Cannabinoids stop covid! A new study from Oregon called "Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SarsCov2 and Emerging Variants" found that cannabinoids taken directly from fresh cannabis plant matter block infection by the Covid-19 spike protein! As I've been saying for 22 months, the right cannabinoids can safely and naturally end a viral pandemic! How many lives could have been saved if this therapy had been used instead of respirators and Remdesivir? After years of being silenced for trying to spread truth about cannabis curing many cancers, now I face the same difficulties for promoting natural treatments for covid!

From the start:

On March 10th 2020, I posted that cannabinoids safely prevent and treat viral infections. The YouTube video was censored for "medical disinfo", so I sounded the alarm that potential cures were being hidden (and was disciplined for that as well).

Then on May 16th 2020, I posted new research showing CBD and THC (the 2 most common cannabinoids) work together to prevent Covid-19 infection. In that video, which was shadowbanned and age-restricted on YouTube, I begged my viewers to help me overcome the censorship and get this lifesaving message out to the world: "Censorship kills! Please take action!"

Through 2020, I continued to attempt to get this knowledge out, posting many times on a variety of platforms, asking my readers "how many more will die because this knowledge is being suppressed?"

Fast-forward to 2022...

Almost 2 years of plandemic later, a brand new study is showing that cannabinoids (the active compounds in cannabis) stop the SarsCov2 virus from infecting our cells!

Weed makes us Covid-proof!!

Not only does it prevent us from being infected, it helps knock out an infection once it starts, and aids in the healing process. Most cannabinoids seem to be beneficial, as long as the acidic (fresh) form is used (THCa, CBDa, CBGa, etc). Read more in my wife's post about it here.

Cannabis is safe and effective

Humans have been using cannabis for thousands of years. We know the potential side effects, and none of them are serious. Almost everyone tolerates cannabis (limited or no unwanted effects) when administered correctly. Nobody dies from cannabis use. It doesn't cause damage to our DNA, doesn't cause cancer (it actually cures it), and doesn't make us stupid (Reefer Madness was a lie). And yet it's a Class 1 drug in the USA, meaning it is addictive, dangerous, and has no medicinal uses. Shameful corruption. How many die because prohibition, stigma, and lies continue to this day?

The fresh (acidic) forms of cannabinoids are exceedingly safe. They're not even psychoactive, and are taken orally (when heated they change form and become much less effective at stopping viruses). Humanity could ALL be loaded up with these cannabinoids at all times, and there would be essentially zero health consequences. But the pandemic would have been over before it could start. In fact, most diseases would instantly be eradicated or greatly diminished.

And cannabis grows easily in almost every part of the world, including up here in Canada. I'm currently treating a friend's brain cancer with cannabis grown last summer right here in the back yard. We can stop Covid ourselves, at home, for almost no cost.

But we're pumping the world full of untested "vaccines" that don't stop Covid and are killing millions. Totally insane!

Please help spread the word: We have plenty of evidence from doctors and researchers around the world! Cannabinoids block Covid from infecting cells!! Nobody else ever needs to die, and most hospitalizations are unnecessary. All restrictions and mandates can end. The "vaccines" can be halted immediately. Cannabis stops covid, including all variants - past, present, and future.
