
Shit it used to be us getting kidnapped and thrown in cages, crazy how times have changed.

Still is. Thousands of people are kidnapped and caged still in America for growing or selling this plant.

Damn so easy to forget being in California. But yeah just look at the above plant. That's a true outlaw right there. ;)

And a beautiful outlaw she is.

Yup n let me add guilty until proven innocent.. Can't pay cash bail? Sit there as the system attempts to erase you..

not all American's have that freedom I am in a state where growing can get me thrown in a cage too and I am an American but live in an illegal state. People get life for growing in my state.

Part of the reason why I moved out west is the less harsh penalties and laws regarding Cannabis

smart to avoid the tyranny when pos ✌️

You'll still get kidnapped in a cage in most states here - it varies wildly depending on where you are.
And even in places with some level of legality, the rules vary. And federally it's totally illegal. So that means in a legal state if you go to federal land (like, a national park) with it, you can be busted under federal law. You also can't mail it anywhere with the post office. Apparently any package mail from Colorado (my state) without a return address will automatically be searched because they imagine it will have cannabis in it.
And then there is the issue of them not always expunging past criminal records in states where it's legal now - so like, in Colorado, it was legal but you couldn't work in the industry if you had gotten busted for pot at any time in the past. And I think people presently in jail at the time of it being made legal didn't get released. There are probably still people in cages in Colorado, even though it's been legal here for years now.
So it's very much a patchwork system.