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RE: Cracking Beanz

in #cannabis7 years ago


I live in GP (Southern Oregon). I work in rec cannabiz on the cultivation side and moving with a company to complete vertical integration to processing and all that whatever stuff that's going on right now. That's the whatevers.

What's going on in Pdx? I don't get up there enough but hoping this year sometime. Love that drum circle video to btw


Thanks! Just getting able to post video! So it's what I can but it's rocking for sure!

And I've been down to there. Needing a cart for my motorcycle so me and dog can get around without the van. But yeah I miss growing. Just found some of my last real garden. Mm I miss good weed for sure!

Well I'm going to try to get around Oregon and would love to do a write up about you and your smoke!

Definitely let's blaze it!

For sure. Anytime!

You got discord yet? Same name is mine there!

Hey I forgot to ask what is discord? Never heard of it. Thnx!

It's an app that you can chat with friends with let alone call them.... Check it out!