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RE: 👩‍🌾 Marjuana Take Down💖Washing💚Wet Trim💖Drying 🌟🌳 Green Girl Chronicles 🌳🌟

in #cannabis6 years ago

lovely post--but . . . before speaking I'll let some pictures do the telling:

above shot is my sample infected with powdery mildew before dipping; shot below is after trying your technique:

left on some of what you call sugar leaves that had powdery mildew, thinking that would be the quickest place to tell if peroxide really works. clearly no improvement.

jorge cervantes also touts this method and in his 8-year-old video on yute-oob he suggests not just dipping but letting the material soak in the H2O2 bath for a few minutes. he's not as strict as you about sterile conditions.

had different batches going five, ten, fifteen minutes or more and still detect no diminution of the powdery mildew.

though I enjoyed your post, to make it more credible--and jorge neglects this as well--you might inline before'n after snaps of infected cannabis, to prove the mildew really has been removed by the bath.

to give the technique its due, I tried various dilutions of peroxide. jorge agrees with you on 5 oz. per 5 gallons of water--but I tried less and then more peroxide and saw no removal of powdery mildew.

therefore reserving my upvote till more data is in.

"don't care if the results are anecdotal--as long as it's my anecdote. . . . "


Interesting, I've done it the last three years and it killed any spots I had.. Next batch, if I find some spots I'll do before after pics.. When it's that bad, I recommend using a tsp of baking soda in gallon of filtered water with 1 tbs hydrogen peroxide in same gallon spot spray areas at least three days before take down or the best is potassium bicarbonate, basically what the product Green Cure is and they claim you can spray that stuff day before harvest if I remember correctly. By random chance is your hydrogen peroxide say stabilized @jonnymondo You can use Green Cure to dip and rinse after take down, I've seen people do that and it kills the p.m. , I personally if plant is that bad, I would treat and use for topical product, it's more than likely systemic. I know some people even use apple cider vinegar once again there's high levels of potassium in there. I've just used hydrogen peroxide in small amounts for tons of stuff my entire life, it's cheap and been effective for me, however, I am when I have enough time o.c.d. about smelling and seeing that stuff and get on it... for a month, I spot sprayed with just hydrogen peroxide filtered water and it killed the spots. I used milk, and apple cider vinegar as tests this season and both of those worked, however, I found that the smell of those attracted the little black flies, so I went back to hydrogen peroxide

k what a compassionate soul you are to have responded so promptly and helpfully to my note. compassionate to the extent you talk to your girls. I love that. to speak aloud to my beautiful girls is to acknowledge my gratitude for the privilege of being alive in a universe of such wonders.

and I'm tickled the sight of my mildew-blighted girls didn't make you cringe. those were pretty brutal photos I sent. but this is the second season I've grown mendo-purps and it's the most prone to powdery mildew of any strain I've experimented with. notes from that grow back in 2015 describe exactly what I'm seeing again.

trichoms on the mendo-purps when she was still green and then a month later when she's turned almost completely purple . . . why do I think they call it mendocino purple . . .

but I must thank you for encouraging hydrogen peroxide. tried spraying some badly infected stalks with a little full-strength. left it on half-an-hour, then rinsed the stalks in clear water. examine tomorrow to see if it helped.

oh and greenCure sounds like the thing--thanx K for mentioning that.

yours really is a lovely post. must do my duty accordingly . . .

Wow can you imagine that purple!! That's incredible. Seriously, try adding some baking soda/hydrogen peroxide water when you first see it and spot spray, so, recipe is 1tbs. per gallon baking soda and 2 tbs hydrogen peroxide per gallon, this is what my local dispensary told me years ago. I recommend a little less, my experience folks won't listen, and spray in heat of day when sun is on plant and then they burn it so just in case I say 1tbs. hydrogen peroxide and it has worked just as well, you can go up to this for bigger problems. By the time you take down and I wash, it tastes fine and waay better than powdery mildew... The best thing in my experience is not to let it go, and I prevent it as long as I can with fans, two per plant, cranking all the way through flower stage, this prevents flies and all kinds of moisture issues. Now if you get it and the fan is blowing right on that area, turn fan off and then remove infected leaves and or spot spray, until you manage situation. I went cray cray this year and kinda devastated two of my girls by big leafing tooo much! Then of course I watched nukeheads guy on youtube, randomly came across him and and a two hour video on botany and why you don't big leaf.. I studied horticulture and science long ago, finding my pathology books are a great reference. I think he convinced me not to ever big leaf unless loaded with bugs or mildew etc. Good on ya for doing some experiments. I know you can buy straight potassium bicarbonate powder, which I'm gonna do next year and do some pre preventative spraying in my entire yard..Usually, I use a soap, baking soda, dish soap spray during the entire veg season adding lemongrass, clove, peppermint oil, spray my entire yard trees you name it. Once in flower I just use the baking soda/ hydrogen peroxide and then toward end if I still need it I drop to just the hydrogen peroxide. This post I wanted to mostly show that you can wash pot properly and have it taste that much better.... good luck and good growin! this is my Blue City Diesel, more purple plant than I have ever seen. My budy told me it was a Jager and since I had grown that last 2 years, when it had bright pink hairs, I be like what up...? you ain't no Jager!
@kimmysomelove42 Blue City Diesel