Brain Cancer and Cannabinoids

in #cannabis7 years ago

As many cheer the demise of a jingoistic politician, reserve judgment until you have walked a 1000 miles in that persons genetic shoes. Is his jingoism a result of a slowly progressing brain tumor or did his aggravated personality create an ROS storm that incubated such carcinogenesis? We will never know. But we can turn to history to reflect on how this entropic universe has consistently delivered an ironic fate to other drug warriors and control freaks.

Nixon died of a stroke
Google Cannabinoids and Hypoxia Ischemia

Reagan died of Alzheimers
Google Alzheimer's and THC

Nancy Reagan died of cancer
Google this too but more importantly...

Attend CannMed 2018 and you'll see physicians curing cancer with cannabinoids.
Not cell lines or mice but real patients.

The classic appeal to FDA authority and dismissal of anecdotal observational medicine always drags out the prestige of the double blind placebo controlled clinical trial. This is a strawman argument.

With terminal disease blinded trials get unblinded all the time. We do not run placebo controlled trials on parachutes and we should not hold our breath for them in cancer. The moment the patient senses they are the control group and have no parachute they are out and trial is contaminated.

Combine this with the placebo effect being predominantly governed by the ECS, large observational studies look far more convincing. I'd rather have 100 anecdotes than a 10,000 person FDA trial.

Here is Dr Deb Kimless MD at CannMed2017 showcasing 3 clinical cases of tumor reduction or elimination with cannabinoids. In some cases it was exclusive cannabinoid treatment. Nothing else.

"We need more studies" is not a valid argument for continued prohibition. You are a control freak just like the drug warriors if you believe this and that level of anxiety over controlling your neighbors and environment is likely to have cancer knock on your door sooner.