
I’m sorry I don’t understand that question?? Lol

At the very beginning of the post, a picture of the types: Sativa and INDIKA of 7 petals in the leaf, RUDERALIS for 5, and I have 3. Now I'm asking what is this type?

Well the term ruderal can be applies to any plant I believe. It’s defined as the first species of a plant to grow in a disturbed area like a wildfire, flood, or construction. Or something like that.

Cannabis ruderalis is pretty much cannabis that is growing wild and has adapted to an enviornment that isn’t its native one. It has adapted to harsher conditions, and lack of nutrition. Generally they are short very low thc, have small nugs, and things like that.

However, they have been crossbred into medicinal cannabis because the flowering stage of runder isn’t activated by the photoperiod like most cannabis, it’s flowers automatically. So it has been bred with indica’s and sativa’s and this is where “auto flowering” cannabis comes from.

By itself Ruderalis has very little benefit, by breeding it with other varieties has been very benificial to the industry, especially for outdoor cultivation where auto’s can help you fit 2 harvests into a normal season.