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RE: When Drugs Failed, A Desperate Dad Treated Daughter’s Severe Epilepsy With Cannabis Oil

in #cannabis7 years ago

I love seeing this. Last year my dad made a couragess decion and decided to switch my younger sister over to Cannabis Oils. She's had siezures since she was an infant and the medicine they were using was seeming to make it worse. He didn't want my sister to suffer anymore so he told her doctor to stop treatment with the meds she was recieving and than started purchasing Cannabis oil to give to her. She hasn't had a siezure in over 2 years.

The strides Cannabis is going to make people is going to be amazing and I cannot wait to help it become a reality! Children deserve a childhood and filling their body with toxic drugs is not helping them!

Thank you for posting! I love seeing Cannabis make strides with people and actually make a difference in their life! Keep up the good work, you have my full support because you're making your child's life better every day buy choosing this for her!

Have a great day and keep posting such knowledge filled articles!