
Sitchin says, we were seeded, and then incubated here on Earth, watched over and genetically altered over time.
That's what the Sumerians believed, in his view.

lol zachariah sithcin is a really really bad source you should listen to Alex Collier and Davi dWilcock and Ashayana Deane but the sithcin stuff i udnno ts like hes tryingto get humanity to start worshipping these beings as our creator gods!

I know you are into this stuff and know a lot about it. I would say any of these authors you cite, would themselves cite Sitchin.
Most of these folks don't cite sources very much, and rattle on for hours on end, various theories, but I have my own taste in these things. Sitchin did the research, back to ancient texts; that's what interests me; understanding whatever was recorded back then.