
She's a real pain in the ass, they'd eventually just give in.

I have no earthly idea what you guys are talking about 😂😜

Steem Diplomacy Tribe. steem Diplomats sell steem all around the world to all sorts of governments. The truth of steem adoption, it will happen with public sector universities and police forces will end up using it. Police steem tribe will be fun too, and steem Model UN. Oh there thats it. Stem Model UN.

This would be another level :D

Can I ask why you chose the username you have? I've been trying to match it to either your philosophy or an antagonistic choice, but haven't been able to settle on anything clearly. My current best guess is simply: you got it at a time when choosing a valuable username might be useful down the line, and Bernie was all over the news.

Posted using Partiko Android

I considered that, but I think it's most likely that he's Hillary Clinton.

HOT! Getting some sun is clearly working out for you :')

haha I love that guy, such a good show

What show is it? When I see him i think hes maybe a funny skin head from sons of anarchy or any other show trying to relive breakin bad?

It's from Barry!

Nice! Now I have another show for my list of post-writing binge watching :-)

Great news, I miss when you actually curated. Does this mean you'll stop comment farming as pornburn too ?

I see no reason to do that given it’s supporting the PORN community, which is built on top of Steem. Although it will be less frequent.

If its about burning porn tokens, why does it need $10 STEEM upvotes as well ? Would you support the exact same situation on another tribe you weren't heavily invested in ? I'd have no issue with it it was really only burning porn tokens, but pumping a dying tribe using comment rewards farming is hard to justify. Either way, I hope you stick to genuine curation and become a positive force on steem again, instead of an infamous bully.

Why would I support a tribe I’m not invested in? I don’t see how this hurts anyone so I plan to continue.

You can always use your downvote power to reduce the rewards.

I meant if someone else did the same thing on their own tribe. Like if I started a bunch of account farming comments just to "burn PAL", but actually just farmed rewards from steem to pump PAL I doubt it would be received well.

I probably will flag a few but in the big scheme of things there are much larger abuses going on to focus on - thanks for answering honestly anway.

I have no intention of “pumping” anything. I won’t be buying off the sell books with the goal being to buy as much PORN as possible to burn.

Isn't the goal of burning to reduce supply and increase the value for those remaining ? Pumping was a bad choice of word, but the end result is roughly the same - steem reward pool being used to support price of a different token, with no value going to steem stakeholders afaik.

Hey, creating these tokens on this chain wasn’t my idea. I don’t really think a vote or two is going to hurt steem in any capacity but may actually benefit PORN while they try to onboard new users.

Shit man.... a new (insert a #newsteem, can I get an amen?) cuddly, none flag waring, all curating, no more posting GIFs of cock sucking, Bernie!!?

Can it be true? I'll give ya an amen dude for throwing all the drama aside and returning to earning through support.

I have to say.... a single tear is rolling down my cheek right now.

P.s. in all seriousness, well done, good decision. If I remember right, you used to support @comedyopenmic? That was one of my favourite things on steem. Hint hint, nudge nudge.

We need Comedyopenmic back Bernie. I use the funny money to generate funds for a dick transplant scheduled for december 😭

That guy @belemo is speaking some sense @berniesanders! COM is what is needed to inject some much needed fun back into steem. It can't all be posts about the DAO EIP HF21 and the DIKWD.... Ok I made that last acronym up 😉

Let's get some funny back on steem. I was talking to @nonameslefttouse about this the other day and he agrees. There are still a few people writing the odd funny post on steem but d'you remember the buzz when COM was running?

#lookingforsomethingtocurate? #bringbackcomedyopenmic

I shed a tear too buddy, you just cannot believe it and the comments say it all man.

Trying to turn a new leaf, or really just go back to what I did years ago - curate.

Was thinking while I was reading that this is the old bernie coming to new steem ... welcome back.

Awesome man! I too cut off the comment farming and self voting, I am going to curate and downvote, I will make better posts too

Yay! My old buddy, Bernies, is back! We should get the ol’ chat gang back together! Have a reunion tour in price, or something! :)

Only if Turkish Oil Wrestling PPV matches are included.

Welcome to #newsteem ... I was expecting to not like it but it's actually much better. ROI was also.