Capitalism – The Thorn In Humanities Eye

in #capitalism7 years ago (edited)

   Googles Description - “An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.” 

Before I start my argument I would like to ask you not to be emotional or patriotic whilst reading this – It is meant to be read with logic and reason.  

EDIT { Through out the post I commonly use the word "perception" - In most cases the context behind this word will be the "wrong perception / ignorant perception 

  • Added the paragraph 'Adding Value'  }

 ---[-]--- What Is Capitalism To Me (And Most likely To You) ---[-]--- 

Capitalism is a set of rules that allows mankind to “create profit”. In nature there no such thing as “create”, only change (LIFE to DEATH to RE-BIRTH, 1 to 0 to 1, WATER, EARTH and WIND to TREE to FIRE and SOUL) – you get the idea. In reality there is NO PROFIT!.....That’s nice but, why does that matter?

 Capitalism was created in this universe therefore abides by the same rules, the only way profit is sustainable is because of PERCEPTION, Perception is the debt that allows profit to be “created”. Perception = Ignorance  

 ---[-]--- Sustainability ---[-]--- 

Capitalism is NOT sustainable with the internet’s influence. Profit can only be sustainable if the perception (ignorance) of the people keeps increasing but, with the internet and its ability for people to receive and leak information that the banks and big businesses don’t want will obliterate the people’s perception on the value of life/material goods and food that they get. With the collapse of the perception (profit) the debt of over a hundred of years of modern capitalism will be paid off with the current or next generations lives (life quality)  

---[-]--- Affects Everything ---[-]--- 

Capitalism, the idea of “profit” is a disease that has infected everything; I could write ∞ words on every industry and how it’s affected but, I’m only going to go into how it has affected the media. Like I have stated before, the “profit” of capitalism is in the form of the people’s perception = debt (ignorance). Creating valued content for people to educate themselves on is extremely costly and requires a lot of management and time/effort. 

If you look at any news/media magazine – website or app what do you see? Perhaps so useful information but, I guarantee that there is a mountain of useless celebrity drama/ BS political statements

Why is this?

Because of capitalism – the quest for eternal profit mixed with the media IS the quest for eternal Ignorance. The media industry is one of the most profitable because of it’s ability to create money(something tangible) out of perception(nothing). The only way the media can make BIG Profits is by feeding the impulsive and emotional nature of the human mind, this has lead to the general pubic becoming over stimulated and de-sensitised to disinformation.   

---[-]--- Suppressor of Innovation ---[-]--- 

When you think of capitalism you may branch off to rapid innovation and progression but, have you ever asked what sort of innovation is happening? You may look around and see phones/computers and the internet but  do these things help mankind become smarter/ wiser and more peaceful? Yes, to an extent however, what is it generally used for, like I mentioned with the media industry, is misinformation and degenerate behaviour. Of course there are organizations that spend their money on true innovation and a handful of businesses that do the same but, is it enough? Most of the “innovation” that happens is in small upgrades designed to be useless after a year so you have to buy another set of products (apple is a great example)

Have you heard of the story of Nikola Tesla? I won’t fully go into it however, it’s about a genius man who’s dream was to create a way of extracting energy by using the earth as a conductor, this would allow any human to receive an almost unlimited supply of electricity for free!can you tell where this is going? – he accomplished this dream and got funding off a very rich man (one of the richest in the world) but, this rich man caught on to what Tesla was trying to do and shut his operation downTesla was left penniless because of capitalism the world was never able to have a sustainable, free source of electricity that didn’t harm the environment because of 1 man’s profiteering methods.  

---[-]--- Adding Value ---[-]---

Isn't adding value to a product a good thing?... YES, it is but, adding value to a product isn't profit! It may look like it on paper however, the customer is paying for the added time + effort (craftsmanship) - these things are non-tangible but, actually have value. Real profit is having a price above the value of the product - which dilutes the value of things and creates inflation. 

 ---[-]--- Prediction ---[-]--- 

Here is the formula for un-sustainability in a capitalist economy 

Profit * decrease in Perception = Debt       - Who/What will re-pay this debt?

Profit can only be sustainable if the perception of it is equal but, with the media and stuff this will never be true. This system is creating a bubble of debtI predict very soon it will start to burst and collapse along with the wealth of pretty much everyone who is part of the system

Profit is the dilution of value – the problem is people’s perception is that it’s still got the same value as before which creates a bubble (debt)  

What did you think of this article - Do YOU agree with it?    I'm more than happy to answer your Questions or Counter arguments!!!!


Sweet Jesus, the word salad that this was. Let's start from the top, since you seem to have some incredibly skewed notions.

How does perception = ignorance? Perception is the subjective interpretation of a given thing, whether that's an event, a person, or an inanimate object.

I've put a disclaimer putting context to the word

true, when I say "perception" I mean a wrong or ignorant perception. of course there are good perceptions but, the perception of profit in most people is wrong.

Well that was quite a long post, and i've written a little about the pitfalls of capitalism before too. Mostly just about how the idea of allowing markets to reach equilibrium and have 'free' markets tend to end up in manipulation of the markets and no true 'free' markets.

I also think that the idea of Darwin's survival of the fittest isn't necessarily the only solution to improving mankind. In times of disaster people seem to work with mutual aid perfectly fine.

I really like what you've written and i look forward to more insights in the future.

Thank you!