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RE: Fascists in a nutshell, also happy 4th!

in #capitalism7 years ago (edited)

also, capitalism is not anarchist. Looking at the labor theory of value, all value comes directly from human labor and the difference in value comes from a difference in labor required to produce it. (Even adam smith admitted this.) Private ownership of the means of production is the method in which the capitalist controls the workers in such a way that they are unable to labor without giving up the majority of their labor as profit, directly to the capitalist. You may argue that this can be voluntary, but that is incorrect. If we look at the parable of the divided island, the capitalists must destroy any functioning non-capitalist society in order to keep workers, as there is no possible way they would make more under capitalism because of the nature of profit.

There is also the argument of land use "rights". When humanity first evolved nothing was "owned", that came later. Ownership is recognised control of the means of production, which mostly came around during the enclosure acts. This was a violent action by the state to privatise formerly collective land, in order for capitalism to expand. This means the private ownership of the means of production that capitalism is based on, only came into existence because of the state. That's not even to mention that the violence of the state is the only thing that allows its continued existence.

There is also this post I made on the topic a while back

Fascism is capitalism in decay, the inherent contradictions within capitalism mean that it must turn to imperialism and war just to survive. Capitalism is not just "money" it is a system of direct domination over the workers that uses a market to justify its existence