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RE: Fascists in a nutshell, also happy 4th!

in #capitalism7 years ago (edited)

"Also it makes zero sense to put so much responsibility over people's lives on Capitalism, simply because Capitalism doesn't hold the power, people do."

Let's go over ownership.

ownership doesn't exist, we adhere to these rules because of the monopoly of violence enforcing capitalism. The basis of capitalism is violence. This violence is what forces 20 million to die of poverty a year when we produce much more food than we need as a species.

capitalism puts the people that would enforce its existence into power. This means we must destroy every aspect of capitalism in society to be free from it, there is no other way.


Ownership doesn't exist exactly the way rights don't exist.

You and this video describe ownership as if it could come from above, and we made some compromise along the way. I'm now riding a train with my bag alongside me, no one around me needs any government to tell them that taking my bag is theft. It's constructed but we practice it together, because it makes sense this way, universally.

That mystical thing that connects me and my belongings is what I did to obtain it, and it's no one's business, until I have to prove it.

I am familiar with the concept of "property is theft", and to sum it up I'd say that property and theft are both matters of consent. If no one caught you stealing, you own what you took, that's sad but it has nothing to do with ideology.

If you are looking only for intrinsic values, you are going in for some bad time, it's a philosophical trap basically.

I don't see how this ties to Capitalism being responsible for lives outside of the main centers of capitalistic activities.