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RE: Capitalism vs Socialism

in #capitalism9 years ago (edited)

Socialism is a pipe dream. In a perfect world it could be great but we have to many assholes. Unicorns are great too but they also not based in reality

True capitalism/voluntarism is perfect and can still deal with the assholes.

It isnt perfect when undistorted.


It's perfect if you don't mind keeping, or being, a wage slave.

Socialism is wage slave, making the rich richer.

True Capitalism is having the ability to keep all the profit from your effort.

In a world of Socialism you have no chance to work hard and prosper from it. people that work hard must pay to support the lazy and the ones high up in the political system.

So what is better to you?
work hard and make a good living or work hard and live like shit so the super elite and the lazy can live easy?