Carbon12: commerce for christians

in #carbon123 years ago

According to current world statistics, it is estimated that there is approximately 2.38 Billion christians in the world. It has also been discovered that the contribution of christians to the world of science and technology can't be overemphasized. The likes of; Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, Gregor Mendel and many more were recognized as christians and as inventors during their time, their propositions are still being applied till date. Discovery of electrons, electricity invention, establishment of printing press and some other age long developments has been traced to the onset of Christianity. However, it has been noticed that since the shift from the analog age to the digital revolution, most especially since the invention of blockchain technology and the popular digital currency (cryptocurrency), christians have shifted out of invention and discovery, they are merely following the laid out inventions instead of breaking new grounds.

Here comes the ground breaker: Carbon12


Carbon12 is a Blockchain backed platform designed for the purpose of financial transaction for christians. It aims at creating an uninterruptible crypto economy that will be governed by christians in a unique way. Carbon12 seek to partner with off-chain faith based commerce companies to integrate their token ($C12) as a medium of exchange. Carbon12 also seeks to facilitate this change for christians by laying the groundwork for a reliable financial mechanism and partnering with some of the biggest influences in the industry. This way, carbon12 will be leveraging on the financial power of the 2.38 Billion christians while focusing on winning 1 Billion more souls to the christian faith.

The carbon12 platform will be effective for; funding church growth efforts either big or small, missionary activities across the globe, community service and relief projects, faith-based Web3 and DeFi ventures, expanding the reach of the Gospel, corporate social responsibility, and funding individual or group christian businesses and ideas. Check out the whitepaper here
My bountyox username is Ruth.

One major development of the carbon12 is the HOLARGRAM


HOLARGRAM is a faith based reality social media platform that operates on the blockchain. Social media is the online platform where people meet to interact, bond, learn and catch fun. The HOLARGRAM is strictly christian social media platform where users are expected to discuss christian based content and relate with one another within the context of the christian faith.
Knowing that carbon12 is built on the blockchain gives us a guarantee that data stored on HOLARGRAM are immutable, thereby, they cannot be deleted or altered. HOLARGRAM also use the $C12 token as it's fundamental content curation method and creator reward system.
The HOLARGRAM application will feature a wallet that stores $C12 and acts as an exchange platform where the $C12 token can be changed to USD. With this development, churches can accept payments such as tithes, offerings and other financial donations either from within or outside their geographical location directly into their HOLARGRAM wallet.


Also upcoming in the HOLARGRAM is the 3D augmented reality recording. This is a feature of the holargram app that allows a user to personally record a 3D augmented reality content and also allow a user to view such content in their physical environment. This gives a type of view as though the person you are listening to is right there in the same room with you. Read more here
It is equally important to know that Holargram application is created to suit users at no extra cost. Users can view faith based content in an ad free environment.

Carbon12 is a huge addition to the christian community with the aim of connecting the large christian community, bringing the christians directly into the world of cryptocurrency and helping them to connect socially via the Holargram application.
Check out the website

This is a sponsored article written for a bounty reward.