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RE: Asking the Right Question

in #cardano7 years ago (edited)

That Charles has no respect for Dan is clear.

I had a chat with Charles yesterday, well more an exchange of words in which Charles rants about his grevancies... I posted a little about this yesterday, and today Charles has begun hurling abuse at me over it.

If, as Charles claims, Dan called Charles a sociopath, I think he must have good cause for making such an assement. Charles isn't exactly demonstrating a rational behavior to the contrary.

Charles seems to be demanding respect and asserts that Dan has extremly little respect for him. The at times narcissistic ranting albiet humorously missfortunate was somewhat disturbing.

I don't know about you but I evaluate a project part on interaction with team members and community so when a team leader displays these types of characteristics it's going to naturally make me think twice about evaluating further.

Whatever, Charles claims to someday be adding to Cardano is really just empty words at this point academic peer review or not.


You know when you cannot argue, attack ad hominem...

Absolutely, goes without question and pretty much sums up why I ended that post with the video interview of Charles ranting about supposed addition ADA capabilities that Ethereum simply doesn't have, listen for Crypt0's response! "wooowhaaaa..t " it's hilarious about 1:13:00 in

Charle's argument seems to be that peer review somehow ensures the quality of your idea or solution. The problem is, there is significant evidence (ironically often in the form of peer reviewed papers) that this is not the case:

so they... shouldn't try so hard? And just release rushed buggy hackable code that may have far reaching consequences not easily foreseen. Good point.

Thanks for sharing John, I wonder about Hashgraph, not so sure about @alexpmorris hehe :P

I'd probably hurl abuse at you too if you were to profit from making me look bad.

He makes himself look bad acting that way. I just shared the truth, as I saw, no big secret in that. If he disagrees or has issue fine but to the point there is no need to be abusive it just invites negativity.

You make yourself look bad. He takes the time to do an interview for you. To give you value by getting you views and you stab him in the back by trying to ruin his reputation.

I hope your EOS investment sets you up for life so you wont have to do any more backstabby interviews.

Well, you are entitled to form your own opinion. I don't agree with it for a number of reasons but have no qualm giving you the time of day.

Mind you, as the saying goes; looks can be deceiving and don't believe everything you read.

He takes the time to do an interview for you.

Incorrect, I did not interview Charles (I think you are confusing the hilarious video interview between Charles Hoskinson and @crypt0 (which I linked in my post)

Backstabbing!, also incorrect, Charles (the character in the mentioned Cardano Telegram chat) and I are not friends.

If there is anything else you would like to add, feel free to take this over to my post here and I'll gladly give you more time, I freely, do what I enjoy!

Most people may have a hard time controlling the initial feeling they have when they hear something they consider a verbal attack, but we do have control over how we react. Charles' reaction shows low emotional intelligence.