How to face failure in Career

in #career7 years ago

We all know Thomas Edison, and about his most famous invention, the light bulb, the story behind light bulb invention is very much known to everyone, it says that he tried thousands of experiments to develop light bulb. People often asked him when he was continually doing these experiments. Are you made?

You have already tried many techniques, but yet not succeed. Leave it and do something else, he said I am not failed I have discovered thousands of techniques by which you cannot develop light bulb. But finally he succeeds in his research.

Why I started with this short incident because, how to face failure in career, in this topic it is a very fundamental thing

The very first thing you need to know is failure is good, why I am saying this? If you are failing it means you are doing something in your career, let’s take an example, if you are playing a game, then there are two chances either you will one will win or you will lose. But if you are not participating in the game, then for sure you are losing.

Congrats yourself first, because maximum people don’t try just because of fear of failure.

If you are a student or a graduate, job seeker etc. it’s important for you to know how to face failure.

I think it’s very simple if you have read the above mentioned story. You will understand that failures are your bad experiences and they have a worth.

Don’t get depressed.

Just find the reason behind the failure and then analyze it, then learn from that and go on.

I know the moment when failure comes in life, it breaks our self, but this is the moment, from where you can make a new move with the same energy just there is a need to change the perspective to see a failure.

Let’s take a current example of Automation implementation, in IT Sector many employees were fired by the big so called MNC Companies, it was shocking for everyone.

Now for that persons who has fired from the companies it’s a big failure for them, but let’s see it from a different aspect-

I am not saying it is not a failure or it is good, but what one should do in this situation,

He has an opportunity for startup, inside everyone there is an idea for a startup, but they always lack in implementation because of some personal issues, but now the environment is good for a startup. Because from here you cannot lose anything big.

A question arises from where we will get the money? It is a genuine question, but think once, Start with a very small step, ask yourself how much you can afford right now without the pressure? Start with that, and today we all know we can start any business in minimum amount, with this you can do any part time job for survival and if you are a fighter and have a fighting spirit then definitely you are going to be successful no doubt in it.

If you will see the successful person's life story, then you will find a common thing in it. In which situation you are right now, they were also faced the same, but they saw the possibilities and they did not use their energy in blaming or in regretting but instead of it, they gave right direction to the energy, they learned from the failure and keep going.

Let’s conclude it with a famous Quotation of Martin Luther King,

“If you can’t fly, then run,

if you can’t run, walk,

if you can’t walk, crawl,

But whatsoever you do,

You have to keep moving forward


Very good post liked it and upvoted.