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RE: Is the future electric cars?

in #cars7 years ago

I guess a Tesla beats a 3 series BMW in most aspects. But sure, there are still obstacles to master for the current electric cars.
Most of all, the battery issue. But beyond the cars itself, the lack of infrastucture for electric cars. Like not enough recharging points.
Also there is the question, what would actually happen if all cars were electric. The amount of electricity needed for that would be astronomical. Without new additional sources it is not possible to do that. And those sources should be green, of course, else the whole thing wouldn't make any sense.
Still, I assume the combustion engine will be replaced by something in the future.


Great points! It would get even more interesting if we found breakthroughs into biofuels

Well, it seems biofuel is a dead end road, too. We can't use all our land to produce fuel for cars, instead of producing food. So it would lead to increased deforestation - as it happens already in some countries. That is certainly not desireable.
A better system could be fuel cells driven by hydrogen. Which is basically also a electric system. Hydrogen is produced with electricity and then turned into electricity again in the car. That doesn't require batteries and its fast to refill the tank.
But hydrogen can be pretty dodgy stuff, if something goes wrong.