Asian Leopard Cat The Wild Cat Turn To A Domestic Bengal Cat Hybrid

in #cat2 years ago (edited)

The leopard cat is a little wild cat local to mainland South, Southeast, and East Asia. Beginning around 2002 it's been recorded as Least Worry on the IUCN Red Rundown as its miles are broadly circulated regardless of the way that is undermined by territory misfortune and looking through in components of its reach.

Asian Leopard Cats are one of the most far-reaching carnivore species in Asia. They are known for their exquisite spotted coats and their commitment to the Bengal cat breed.

A Wiuld Asian Leopard cat In Cage

8–15 lb


10–13 yr

#Breed Group:
Wild cat

Asian Leopard Cat History

The Asian Leopard Cat is the most well-known wild cat in Asia and has the broadest geographic dispersion of any catlike. They possess regions in eastern Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, northern and waterfront India, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo, Nepal, Korea, Cambodia, portions of the Philippines, Eastern China, and Taiwan, China.

These wild cats can live in different conditions and rises — including tropical backwoods, pine woods, jungles, bumpy districts, and semi-desert regions. They are ordinarily unbothered by human action and frequently live close to towns, where local people in some cases depend on them for rat control.

In 1963, reproducer Jean S. Factory crossed homegrown cats with the Asian Leopard cat to foster another crossover cat breed: the Bengal. Bengals are domesticated cats that individuals can keep as customary pets. However Asian Leopard Cats are permitted as pets in certain spots, they require allows and are dependent upon severe guidelines.

Other wild cats remembered for the Leopard Cat gathering are the Asian Golden Cat, Bay Cat, Black-footed Cat, Fishing Cat, Flat-headed Cat, Jungle Cat, and Pallas Cat. The Pallas cat occupies chilly, dry territories in focal Asia, while the others live in wetland environments.

Asian Leopard Cat Traits

General Appearance

Asian Leopard Cats are comparable in size to huge homegrown cats. In any case, they change generally in size and variety in light of their geographic region.

Coat and Coloring

The coat tone for the Asian Leopard Cat can go from shades of yellow in southern populaces to dim in northern districts. These cats have black rosettes on their sides and strong spots on their legs and tails. Four black stripes regularly stretch out down the temple to the scruff. Their jacket length differs as per their current circumstance, with cats in the north having longer, thicker fur.

Distinctive Physical Traits

Other distinctive qualities of the Asian Leopard Cat incorporate a little head, short thin gag, long adjusted ears, and golden-brown to grayish eyes.

Asian Leopard Cat Temperament

Asian Leopard Cats are for the most part single, nighttime creatures — however guys and females once in a while raise their young together. They basically chase around evening time and frequently go through their days resting in nooks made in empty trees.

These cats are capable climbers and fit for swimming, however, they don't really want to do the last option. Assuming kept in bondage, they require enormous open-air fenced areas that permit them to unreservedly wander.

Read more about leopard cat prices here:

Asian Leopard Cat Care


The Asian Leopard Cat's eating routine comprises mostly of rodents. However, they likewise eat plant matter and — offered the chance — will devour chickens from poultry ranches.


Asian Leopard Cats groom themselves to keep clean and eliminate their fragrance (which assists hold possible prey back from identifying them while they with ready to pounce).


Asian Leopard Cats are in danger of a few homegrown cat sicknesses, including Cat Immunodeficiency infections. On the off chance that kept in imprisonment, they need a large number of similar immunizations as current pet cats. In any case, they require a veterinarian prepared and authorized in colorful creature care.