The Maine Coon cat is America's only natural breed of domestic feline. It is 4 to 5 times larger than the Singapura, the smallest breed of cat.
The Maine Coon cat is America's only natural breed of domestic feline. It is 4 to 5 times larger than the Singapura, the smallest breed of cat.
teşekkür ederim bilgin için :))
The life expectancy of cats has nearly doubled since 1930 - from 8 to 16 years.
onlarda can yaşasınlar tabi ama iyi şartlarda :(
The richest cat is Blackie who was left £15 million by his owner, Ben Rea.
:)) süpermiş
The cat's front paw has 5 toes, but the back paws have 4. Some cats are born with as many as 7 front toes and extra back toes (polydactl).
evet doğru biliyorum onu :)
Perhaps the most famous comic cat is the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. With the ability to disappear, this mysterious character embodies the magic and sorcery historically associated with cats.