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RE: A short apology guaranteed to improve your chances of evangelizing Catholics (written by a Catholic)

in #catholic7 years ago

Great job. I'm sorry that I missed this 8 days ago, but I'm following now
Very well put. Now that it is nicely aged, you might want to find a good picture and find some of your typos! :)
As one of the very few posts with "catholic" as the primary tag, it will be read a lot. Very good job.
I could not agree more. If you have the stomach for it, come read about neo-arianism....

"I saw Santa punching Arius.... "

Vivat Jesu!


@thomasaquinasftw My wife told me the same thing! It's too late to edit this one, but she's going to proof read the others I have lined up. Thanks for reading and commenting.