New cats at the temple must be identified immediatly

in #cats5 months ago

As much as dogs procreate and make new babies as fast as they can believe it or not cats are actually much faster. They are also much more difficult to spot because while dogs are social creatures cats tend to stick to their own solitude and you only notice them once they have already had a litter of kittens and at that point it is already too late.

Thankfully a monk spotted this new cat that was introduced to the Tiger Cave Temple before it was able to run and hide away and we got it and took it in for sterilization.


I take no joy in putting a cat into a cage and trust me when I say that most semi-wild cats do not enjoy it either. However, they are easily lured into our kindness trap when we offer them some seafood, which is exactly what we did.

This female was lured in, fed, and we put it in a kennel and took her to the clinic to be sterilized before she had the opportunity to have a litter of kittens which is what would have certainly happened within a month of her taking up shop here.


Thankfully, this cat before it was dropped off seemed to have been raised by a human family (we can't be sure) before her arrival and therefore almost immediately went to one of the monk's houses and was mewing at the door to be fed.


While she was there getting her food the monks called us to let us know that there was a new cat there.

This is why our partnership with the monks is so important. Without them we would have no idea there was a new cat at the temple and we would only find out once there was 7 or 8 new cats and as silly as this might sound to someone that is unfamiliar with how we operate, it is absolutely essential that we catch them before they have a chance to have babies.

For people that don't know how the stray animal population operates in countries like Thailand, it might sound cruel that we take away their ability to have babies but I can say after seeing thousands of strays that the offspring of an animal that is already struggling to find food on their own that the babies will struggle even more.

Often the babies are abandoned to starve, or if they are lucky they will grow up in a horrible and disease infested environment where their lives will be cut short because of lack of food and parasites.


The cat, who does not have a name because she is so new. Is back from the vet, sterilized, and is wandering the temple grounds and is promised, by us, to have as good a life as we can possibly provide. She has also gone up on our adoption website to hopefully find her a forever home.

People need to understand that the way that we do things MUST happen. If we didn't operate in this capacity there would be hundreds of kittens, most of who would starve to death, wandering the temples until they died. The only reliable method of helping them is to regulate how often they can have babies which in our world, is never.

To those that thing what we are doing is cruel, I challenge you to actually go out there and witness what the life of a stray kitten or puppy is actually like. It isn't like the Instagram videos you see. It is a life filled with hunger and disease and the lifespan is likely under a year. We have to do this and we are very happy that the monks let us know that this new cat was there before it had a chance to have babies.

Hopefully one day we will have enough funding to sterilize the males as well... but as it stands now the only method that we can afford is to sterilize the females, which probably really irritates the males.

if you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.
