in #cats7 years ago (edited)


In October 2015, i brought an adorable 7 week old kitten home. He was black and white, with white paws except 2 black toes on each front paw and a diamond on his face. I named him Diamond. At 3 months old he got an upper respiratory infection and was peeing blood. Antibiotics cleared it. At 6 months he got both again. One morning he cried and cried. The Vet told me to drop him off and they would get to him when they could. Then they called and said he had feline leukemia. I was heartbroken. He got a 14 day antibiotic shot and went totally blind 12 hours later! After 2 months of constant research determined to find a cure, Diamond died May 21st, 2016 at 8 1/2 months old.

The last thing I wanted was another cat. But here I was in the middle of no where at a friends friends property. I was sitting alone crying over him when this kitten appeared and stared in my eyes right through my Soul and started licking away my tears. I took a pic of him and he totallyposed for it. My friend and I went camping for 3 days and then went back to her friends property. There he was following me everywhere. I was closing a gate because we were leaving. I closed it and felt something on my feet. He had slipped out before I shut it and was sitting on my feet looking up at me through my Soul again. Of course I brought him home!

Every time I would cry over the death (which I still did daily for months) there he would come running to lick away my tears! The 2nd day after I brought him home I found him behind the laundry room door on Diamonds blanket with a far away look. Later that day when he again was licking my tears I asked "Diamond, is that you?" He looked at me then started kneading the blanket and looked up at me to make sure I was watching. Now I know cats kneading is very common but Diamond didn't do it until he got sick. Aten has only done it a few times since but only on my neck! My Sons 6 month old male cat Ceasar adopted Diamond when I brought him home at 7 weeks old and gave him his daily baths. My Luna cat is a snob. Our other 6 month old Toonces also played with Diamond and they had the same parents only the mother wasnt FeLV+ with Toonces. Boy was Ceasar confused! He knew it was Diamond but didn't understand what he was doing in that body and playing and not sick! Ceasar watched him all day from a corner the first day. Then they all played and he got baths just like before! Usually cats hiss at a new cat but they all knew it was Diamond! I asked again a week later "Diamond is that you?" He looked at me and whapped me across the nose as if to say, "Yes! Now stop asking me that!" Both LOVE water! Both meow at faucets and even the tub for someone to turn on the water so they (he) could play in it. I also take a full dropper of Colloidal Silver every day because I get very sick with kidney infections when I don't. Diamond took Colloidal Silver every day and he must remember taking it because he comes running every time I take it and if I take too long to share (because I tease) he reaches with his paw and tries to grab the dropper! He still gets it every day! The only difference between the two is looks and now his name is Aten pronounced ah-tin. He weighed 11 pounds at 10 months! Now at 18 months he is 13 lbs. Big, healthy and strong and a total BRAT! too! I've just entered him to be on that TV show My Cat From Hell. He is so much a brat with so much energy we just laugh! He's really from heaven. He's just making up for the lack of energy and the things he couldn't do the last few months of his last life.

He sleeps with me all night, every night cuddled against me. His litter box is next to the toilet and we take our morning pee together hah. I cant sleep without him. Hes my special boy!

So if you are grieving the loss of a pet, they may just come back and find you. How will you know? Just look into their eyes....



In 1987, cats overtook dogs as the number one pet in America (about 50 million cats resided in 24 million homes in 1986). About 37% of American homes today have at least one cat.

According to Hebrew legend, Noah prayed to God for help protecting all the food he stored on the ark from being eaten by rats. In reply, God made the lion sneeze, and out popped a cat.

Ohh thats why i always like ginger cats 😮