Just Kitty : Raising kittens from birth - The joys of being a "Crazy Cat Lady"
Dear Steemit Friends:
As a frequent traveller, one of the challenges I face on a regular basis is having to leave my family and friends behind for extended periods of time. Of course, my very large family of cats count as family too!
You can imagine the joy I experienced when I came back to greet my family of cats, least not the new members of the family which are still only 6 weeks old!
Most cat owners will bring home their kitten at around the age of 8-12 weeks, the age where they are fully weaned and ready to leave their mother and find their new forever homes. I'm lucky to see my little kittens as they grow from the moment they enter this world, all the way to when they're old enough to leave their mother.
Somethings you may miss out on are their drunken walks, blue eyes and extreme hyper activity. It's truly a challenge to capture them in this early stage of their lives, but what a joy it is!
Say hello to Amber's (my Scottish fold) 6 week old Kittens! Before I left for Bahamas, they were still sleeping in their nest most of the day, and now coming back, they're jumping around full of energy!
Before showing you the little Kittens, Furby requested an appearance. She get's a little insecure about other's stealing her limelight so here she is!
Long time no see Steemit friends, salutations to all! Make sure you follow my mummy Sweetsssj for my next exclusive appearance! Meow Meow!
So, today i'd like to share some stories and information about the Kittens before they leave their mother!
New born Kittens are deaf and blind
It's hard to believe with their big round eyes, and flappy ears that Kittens are actually born deaf and blind. Around 2 weeks old, the kittens begin to open their eyes, but still have limited vision until a few weeks later. It's important at around 2 weeks to check to see if their eyes are opening as expected. In my experience, sometimes kittens will get eye infections which lead to some difficulty opening their eyes. If left untreated, the kittens may become permanently blind.
To treat these infections, I use Isathal Eye Drops. Obviously it is also advisable to treat the underlying source of infection, which can be the unhygienic environment of the nest, and / or bacteria and viruses carried by the queen.
All kittens are born with blue eyes!
When the kittens first open their eyes, you will be amazed to find that they have a beautiful blue eyes. But this is not their natural eye colour. In fact, over the next month or two, as the eyes continue to develop the kittens' eyes will gradually change to the colour it will be throughout their adult life. For some breeds like thee Siamese, blue eyes will be their permanent colour! Otherwise, the eyes usually change from Blue to a shade of Green / Yellow / Orange and Copper brown.
So what is it that gives these Kittens their beautiful yet temporary blue eyes?
It's all down to the pigments in the iris and the effect of light refracted off the cornea. As the eyes continue to develop, the melanocytes in the iris begin producing melanin, the pigment which determine's the eyes adult coloration. The final colour of the eyes are determined by how much melanocytes there are, and how much melanin they produce.
If the colours are a shade of green, then that means the iris has produced the least amount of melanin. In the case of brown, it means the most amount of melanin is produced!
The importance of de-worming
Although I like to think I live in a very clean and hygienic home, it doesn't mean that Kittens can't come into contact with parasites. Actually, these can be picked up through drinking their mothers milk. The most common worms are roundworms and tapeworms. These are dangerous for the kittens because they live in the gut of the kitten and steal all the nutrients from the food they eat!
This means, regular de-worming for both the mother and the kittens!
Regular de-worming should occur every month for the kittens until they are 6 months old, and then every 3 months after that.
I use Panacur which is a wormer prescribed by the vets to treat my all my cats!
Finally, it's important to protect kittens against common diseases, so a visit to the Vets for vaccination is really important. The first vaccinations should happen around the age of 8-9 weeks. These are split into two injections, around 4 weeks apart. After that, the Kittens will require a yearly booster injection. During this time, it's best to keep the kittens indoors to avoid catching other diseases from cats outside.
Although raising kittens can be a challenging task, the joy and happiness they bring is priceless and I am so lucky to have the opportunity to help introduce kittens into the world, making sure they are healthy and happy along the way!
Below are some pictures of me and the little angels!
Hope you enjoyed my post about my experiences raising kittens from birth, giving you an insight to what it's like to see kittens at an age before they leave their mother!
If you liked my post, please upvote it, follow me to stay up to date with my activities, and leave a comment to let me know what you think!
Newborn kittens are the best, I personal raised a couple of them with my sisters cat, and is really amazing how fast they grow, and end up like big felines, is so satisfying to see. those in particular looks really fluffy and beautiful!!! love the post.
This post received a 4.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @fivefiveeleven! For more information, click here!
Love it! Took care of some feral kittens myself. Read about it here: https://steemit.com/life/@onejahson/will-be-cute-for-food
onejahson, i'm so touched by your care for these kittens, they look so well probably due to your generosity! I see that you've posted that 8 days ago, so I can't upvote it now to give you rewards. So i'll upvote your comment! Thank you for sharing!
Hi sweetssj, I am wondering if the only way to get images to be 'centered' is to make them the entire width of the post and, if so, what is what width that must be used?
You can use to center align your images!
Hmm, I'll have to try that. I also figured out if you want to use the "full width" method that your uploaded image should be 840 pixels. I wrote a post on how to edit photos online for free. Check it out if you're interested: https://steemit.com/help/@tylersr/how-to-edit-photos-online-for-free
I believe the post frame resizes the picture to fit ? Usually my pictures are quite a bit wider but scale to the size of the frame.
Ah, yes, I was using a small image that I wanted to center.
The kittens are absolutely adorable. The quality of your post and images are pleasure to read and view. Thank you so much for such a informative and beautiful post.
@sweetsssj enjoy your weekend!
I agree with you @sneakgeekz , @sweetsssj is simply amazing and thus deserves all the success she gets from us due to consistent quality posts which adds value here. Thanks , good comment , upvoted.
Lets stay in touch.
@charles1, @sneakgeekz, I'm new here to Steemit and I think this kind of support here on this platform is truly inspirational. Thank you to both of you for being such supportive, kind and motivational people! I am so happy to have found this rare, positive environment :) I completely agree with you about @sweetsssj and it's amazing to see her evident hard work and talent go rewarded <3 Have a great weekend everyone!
You are welcome buddy, make sure that you put in effors here and you will see the positive rewards asap.
Dont forget to check out my post for a link to collect free crypto..a once in a life time opportunity.
Thanks, I genuinely like this platform and the people so far. It's a great space to be creative and interact. I'm happy to be here and to connect with people like you- following and I'll check out your post for sure!
Welcome buddy, I started few weeks ago and have seen big progress due to hardwork and being true to the concepts and principles of steemit. Your time to shine is near buddy..keep steeming and powering up to success.
The support on Steemit is amazing, however, I noticed that @sweetsssj has not upvoted any of her replies after all the money she is earning just from this one article. Whats up with that?
Well, I certainly can't speak for her but as far as I understand it, we only have so many upvotes we can give so given the number of people interacting with her on a daily basis, I'm sure it's not sustainable for her to do so. Don't quote me, I'm new here and really don't quite understand everything 100% yet but I wouldn't worry too much about it, and just try to keep supporting her and others just the same without an expectation of anything in return :)
And I am along with a lot of other Steemit members, so tired of greed like this. Steemit was found on this anti greed, corporate selfishness to get away from greed like this and here "she" is earning $40,000 per month on here and is is worried about her steem power and not upvoting.
Well, "she" earns $40,000 per month off all of us and I see authors earning much less who upvote most of their replies.
I don't think this person, whoever she is, knows how to speak English.
Hello friends plz FOLLOW ME i am new on steemit :)
Welcome to the house
Thank you @heart-to-heart for such kind words. Yes this platfrom is a beautiful place to be . I feel honored to be sharing it with other thoughtful and kind people such as yourself. Looking forward to seeing some of your post.
Have a good one!
@sneakgeekz I love following lovely people like yourself. Happy to have you around. Enjoy the weekend :)
Hahaha no upvote for this one either while you're getting upvotes on your reply.
Greed. Karma
You rock @heart-to-heart and will be doing the same.
I get a good vibe from your post.
Thank you.
What up @sneakgeekz? How are you today?
Hey brother what's up? We're just taking it slo-mo. We will be heading to the shore later today once the heat settles down a bit.
How about yourself?
Thank you @charles1 just followed you.
welcome buddy, the same here. We will certainly stay in touch.
Dont forget to check out my post for a link to collect free crypto..a once in a life time opportunity.
Lovely post @sweetsssj.... I know your lovely and quality contents will always get you all the goodies... Enjoy your success!
thank you sneakgeeekz, always a pleasure. I'm glad you find the kittens adorable, they really are!
You are welcome.
Hahaha @sweetsssj, you just now upvoted @sneakgeekz reply to try and save your greedy, selfish self.
There are also tools that track real time upvoting so nice try.
Hi @randompic. Gotta say, I'm new on Steemit, but your attitude is nothing new in social media. You are targeting the author in several comments on this very post, even questioning her english habilities. Are you really that eager for attention?
Hi @alejandrazzo, thank you for your input. I respect your opinion.
This is no different than some members targeting certain members who are abusing the self upvote option on their replies and not upvote the author's blog.
There is even a new bot that was developed to award members who do not upvote their own replies. Do you disapprove of their attitude as well?
This has nothing to do with trying to get attention for myself and the purpose is to put attention on fraud like this.
Ah crap, I just accidenty upvoted you reply when I was looking to see who upvoted it. Why don't you upvote any replied to your articles? You are earning very good money on here and can afford to do it.
I'm not sure you understand the system properly, but before you go on a witch hunt, I do upvote people's replies, obviously I can't upvote every single one of them, but I upvote ones which I think bring the most amount of added value to the discussion. Obviously if i could upvote everybody I would but on steemit we have a daily upvote quota. This quota I have almost used entirely to upvote authors. It takes 1 day to recover 20% of your upvoting power. If i was to continue to vote past my daily quota, then the amount of reward i could give people would drop drastically. And, it would take several days to recover my power during which I wouldn't be able to upvote anybody. So, the best course of action is to upvote my daily quota.
Even if I am earning good money, it doesn't mean I can 'afford' to upvote everyone because that's not how the system works. If i reach my daily quota, then essentially I can't afford to keep upvoting people if I want to reward them.
Well so far, I haven't seen one reply that you upvoted from this article and there is a tool to check the upvote counts too.
So i don't know what tool you are talking about, but it clearly isn't working.
Again, you need to understand how the system works before you go ostracising people for not upvoting.
Well, aren't you "ostracising" me now?
I asked a simple question and you are being really defensive about it.
Is this actually sweetsssj or someone she pays to respond to all these replies all day?
I'm not ostracising you at all. If you are saying incorrect facts about something, I have every right to correct you. I don't even have to defend myself, because i've been more open about myself than the large majority of people on here who won't even show their faces. (and thats fine btw)
Wow ... it very "sweet" of you to reply in such detail and so eloquently to this question !
Well that's informative. I guess I can do five votes a day at a 100% or 50 at 10%. I gave up trying to understand the rules months ago and I just follow authors I like and vote up articles I like. I don't vote up things when they get to the trending page but if I catch them in my feed before that I do.
The rules have changed so often that I am never sure of what I thought I knew.
It explains why my voting power has varied like the price of a low volume altcoin.
Yeah, I think the same!
nice comment
yeah true
wow....so qute, take care of them.Thanks for your valuable information.The quality of your post and images are pleasure to read and view.

Thank YOU! hope to see you around more often.
Adorable little kittens :)
thanks, they sure are little angels!
Cute little cats... This is my cat I rescued when it was just a kitten. I saw it in the bushes on the way back from school when I was in 4th grade.
wow oreo is very slender, looks like a real runner! I guess it chose you when it decided to come home with you :)
Oo he is a character!!! He stays fit for the lady cats around the neighborhood:) Plus he is is an old man now... 11 years strong.
Sounds like a stud cat!
Nice photography
thank you! Still working out how to take good pictures of cats.. 3 years after doing a blog dedicated to taking pictures of cats! lol
I like dogs.
I love cats; I had a Siamese for 12 years; she was called Nala (after The Lion King movie, of course :P), she was a great companion and so fun even she was a kitten; sometimes she acted almost like a dog. I live in Argentina, and unfortunately, probably like in many parts of the world, there are a lot of animals that leave in the streets or that thrown away onto the streets, however -and this is the most wonderful part- there are TONS of people adopting kittens (and dogs as well). It is fascinating to see Facebook full of posts of people adopting kittens or adult cats, or finding them new homes. We call that "adopción responsable", by which a person commits to take care of the animal, castrate them and love them. I will adopt one soon. I really miss my cat -we had to put her to sleep due to a kidney problem :(
Oh my gosh such cute kitties!! Thank you for using your platform to spread some awareness about the newborn kittens and the fact that they might get eye infections. You may have just told a kitten owner that didn't know and saved a cat from going blind. 👏👏👏👏I didn't know that they all had blue eyes!! That's so cool :)
Have a great Caturday!!
Thank you! I actually had much experience from the eye infections so I know it is a frequent thing that happens, but luckily it is quite trivial to solve, just needs observant carers ! Happy Caturday :)