Caturday on the Highway.....

in #caturday5 years ago (edited)

Where You at 2 Night KrazzyTrukker....?4fu647ygew.jpg

Well... I am glad You asked Me that Jonboy.... @janton

I knew You would, and I look forward to when You do.

I am camped out in my 18 wheeled.... SWAG.... @galenkp

At a Lil' Mom n' Pop Truckstop. The best kind..! 2v57thgxe6.jpg

I had a nice supper in the Huddle House restaurant.
screenshots NOAA/Trucker Path App
And now I am Caturday Night chillaxin' wit' da' 2 Coolest Co-Pilot Kittyz on the planet.


I was just messin' with some photos and watchin' some of the TV programs we record on the Dish App.dz8lgdc7tu.jpg

Pretty much a normal Caturday Night out here on the Highway. Drove 9 hrs. today. Around 500 miles / 804 kl.

I am missin' the Lil' Guy / Miracle Kitten, as I opted to leave him home this week. @pooky-jax has some time off, 3 day weekend, and He is starting to settle down some.0cauy7d6gq.jpg

The Red Cube....

Not really sure when We got The Red Cube? But here is a photo of it 9 yrs. ago and also just lately.k0q96q3od3.jpg

Besides that, I really have been missing my Lil' Green Eyed Girl Jessica.wix2frpyyc.jpg

She is a Hoot, and makes Me smile constantly, talkin' 2 Me in Her sweet Lil' kitty voice.

Now back to Your regularly scheduled programs....

Keep on KrazzyTrukkin...


Oh L @ @ k there...


(Camel Shit Steamer) made an appearance. Come on You Piece of Shit Coward..... Lets get the usual 20+ pathetic little DVBots... Such a Fucking Loser. SMFH 6w0749szjj.jpg

Usually it is just his shitty little powerless creepy stalker Bots.qv2w46858e.jpg

Oh man your kitties are just the cutest!

Looks like you had some posting shenanigans with this one. I just swapped my vote over to here and sent this to @curangel for some vote love too. :)

Thanks Bro. Used phone App. Edit turned into a nightmare.

Can You DV those deletes to zero...? I certainly deserve No rewards for them.

That is what you get when proof reading/edit while suffering Droopy Eye Syndrome!

I can down vote them but not to zero...My vote isn't that big. You may as well leave them. It's not the end of the world. If you want me to DV them though let me know..

Yeah, go ahead. Put that reward back in the pool...

Ok...Will do.

Edit: Have DV'd those posts now @krazzytrukker. One went to nothing and the other halved. This is one of the best things about downvotes...It rectifies errors like this. Anyway, kudos to you for asking me to do so.

Awww! For once Little MC isn't being an asshole HA HA.

I am thinking lil guy is missing sammijo and @krazzytrukker. He watches the back door a lot but he has been pretty good so far....😸😺

Side Door. Our Main door. House is at a 45° angle. So "The Back Door" is both of them really....?

Looks like some pretty good kitty R&R there!


Howdy sir krazzytrukker! Hey what's the deal with the delete posts? So where you at this mornin? I thought the Miracle Kitten drove you nuts out on the road?

I did 2 edits, The eSteem App on phone gave Me 3 posts....

I am FREEZING MY ARS OFF in the Florida Panhandle, on my way to Tampa to deliver in the morning. I hope it is warmer there.

He is NUTZ so therefore He drives us both NUTZ! Really makes no diff where we are. epcpp90toe.jpg

I wondered what that big area above the cab was for, that's where everyone puts their tvs! How cold is it? Well, you're probably warm by now. I was outside working all day.

Calling for 24° here tonight. Thazzz pretty cold for this area.

Just got home.... Laying on the couch..... Dozing off

yay! I figured it would work out so you could stop by home, good deal. Steemit is perfect to work on when you're dozing off.

I don't know about that dozing off stuff and Steem.... That is how I got 3 posts outta 1. LoL

Well at least you got one. And I see you are still so popular with the downvoters that they keep downvoting you. That makes zero sense!

Where you at tonight sir krazzytrukker?

Home... Recharging My Batteries for another Texas trip....

2 night.... I ride... LoL

Had to get the truck 120 day inspected. No such thing as a Day Off when You run your own business.... Always something to do.

Oh wait... You already know this. You and Mrs J had a business B4 right...?

I've been self-employed my whole life, that's why I've never had a paid day off, vacation, or a full day off without working.

I don't know if that is really stupid but I guess it was really stubborn. lol.

She takes days off now but I work everyday on something. Right now I'm not on steemit as much because I got alot of trees to cut down or trim and of course since I'm an old fashioned dinosaur so I'm using all hand tools. Axe, hand saw and machete.

It's brutal work. lol.

We're thinking about joining an options trading group. I've tried options before but I'm so dense when it comes to technical stuff that I always gave up. But we might do this together, I'll let you know how it goes.

The only other thing that I know works great is the Bitcoin wallet that pays everyday, we're starting to build a nice amount in that and it'll grow like a wildfire as Bitcoin takes off later this year.

It only takes $100 worth to start, the calculator will blow whatever is left of your mind. lol.

Wherebouts in Texas, Houston?

Thanx for that Bitcoin wallet info. Send Me a Link to start that. I will be investing a Hundo here and a hundo there in a few months when the budget allows.

I will deliver in Dallas, then down to Waco Monday to pick up a Plant City FLA. Same old same.... Truck almost drives itself.....

I did that CAVEMAN BULLSHIT as therapy back when the Drunk Beeatch put me in TIMEOUT for 3 months. Did 80% of it by hand. Machete, Prune Shears, drag and burn. Used the Kubota for that of course. I ain't totally NUTZ like You... LoLh1q19i.jpg4hu92z.jpgy389th.jpg

But Be Careful...!!! The Trees Bite Back...!!!s40463.jpg

Caveman?? lol...well I guess that's close enough to a dinosaur! Yeah I really enjoy the challenge and since I'm sitting too many hours of the day(that can't sound familiar can it?) I like a good workout.

Those are some great shots! They DO bite back for sure. I got one that has 2 inch thorns on it, I hate that one so it's coming down.

Are you familiar with Duluth Trading Company? Best work clothes on the market, American made too. Anyway I get my work pants from them, the fire hose pants, very tough, lasts years.

But anyway they got kevlar gloves I wanna get for working with trees because we also got all kinds of wicked vines that grown into the trees and they got razor sharp points that go right through regular leather gloves.

Of course if I was a real caveman I would do it all bare handed.

What's all those young trees, is that behind your house?

Okay, here's some links about the bitcoin wallet. The name of the wallet company is and here is my site to check out with a link to a signup page:

My page gives alot more information quickly and to the point with the major facts and has a couple of videos on it. I am only telling a few people about this at this time if I know they are looking for ways to make money... and passive income is the greatest.

Having said that, there IS a referral for me if you join and use it. But I'm not telling you about it because of that.

I AM thinking about doing some marketing though because although I generally can't stand network marketing, (this isn't MLM by the way)...this is the first one I've seen where you are recommending a company that earns people a passive income without them having to do anything.

Here's the calculator address:
You have to put the amount in as bitcoin so you need a conversion calculator. I just put "bitcoin to usd calculator" in the search and one comes up instantly.

When I put $500 worth in, I think it was right at 10 grand in 2 years BUT that is figured at the current bitcoin price. Well, everyone knows it's heading for the moon starting this year when it halves. So instead of 10 grand it would probably be 20.

In an amazingly short time you can literally build a nestegg to retire early on.

Sir krazzytrukker, did you ever make it to Texas? You were supposed to ride that one night but I've heard that before!

Better late than Never.... Unloading now in North Dallas. 9am Texasss time.

Yes sir, that seems to be my motto. Where you go next?

On my way to Plant City, FL.

Normal roundabout. Truck drives itself. Done this turn around 100s of times. I know where the bumps in the road are before i get to em.

Plsant City. Never heard of it. Sounds like a thriving place though. That route sounds boring. lol. Where does that put you tonight?

Couple long days to get it there. Weird days. Up at 2:30 am this morning to finish the last 6 hrs.

Then 3-4 back home for an "old man nap."

Now chillin' on the couch, recharging my KrazzyTrukker Manbatteries, for another round of Trukkin' Madness...!!!

Sam Sam is chillaxin' too.... Proof--->0r0r5n.jpg

Those are some strange, taxing hours to keep sir krazzytrukker. The co-pilots don't care though. lol.