Caturdaze Gone......

in #caturday4 years ago (edited)

"Howdy Sir KrazzyTrukker....."

"Where You at today....?"

When this Ol' KrazzyTrukker signs in to Steem, that is usually what pops up.....

I am on the finish line of a long 70 hrs. in 8 days turn. And I am going to try to do a couple more of them without any time off.

Sammi Jo seems to take it in stride, She has a million miles under Her Paws..!! She is in Her 9th year on the road. Since late Sept, 2010. She has been my faithful companion and co-pilot. One step away from a Service Animal. 6uib53.jpg

The Jonboy Effect...

To be honest, Jonboy @janton just might be one of the main reasons I have toughed it out on here thru the DV Bot Flea bite (downvote) infestation that I suffer from.

A weird and sick Steem user.....
The CreepyCyberStalker


I am sure this post will see the usual 20+ worthless DV's. And it will probably scare off some that may have wanted to upvote it, or drop in their 2 cents on a reply.

I must not forget to mention great people like @galenkp / @tarazkp / @jaynie / @denmarkguy & @curatorcat / @manorvillemike / @nikv / @simplymike / @hippie-witha-gun and every one else that comments and upvotes my stuff. (DV Fleas B Damned)

Caturdaze Gone.....

Sing to "Tuesdays Gone - Skynyrd"

Src. (Ddg search tuesdays gone)

Since DTube basically has sucked since the first time I wasted my time on it. Here is a link to my BitTube page and the video I posted today...


If ya get 2 minutes.... 2:40 to be exact. Check out my video. I get credit for You stopping by, You do not have to sign in to watch it and up vote it.

Besides, You Know You want to See 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3 / 𝓢𝓪𝓶𝓶𝓲'𝓼 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓮...... 8l2536.jpgvme0so.jpg

Chapters 1-2 here----->

Keep on KrazzyTrukkin'...

Thanx From....

KrazzyTrukker & KrazyKitz™


Kittens and toilet paper rolls, it like God knows how to make people smile when he puts those two together. I think everyone that has had a cat at one time or another has had that "oh your gonna get it you cute little monster" look at one time or another on their faces.

Side note, loved your musical selection, I have not heard Tuesdays Gone in a long time.

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Quit complaining about micro downvotes, it's like complaining when someone cuts you off and you don't have to hit the brakes. You're still gonna get where you're going.

Happy Caturday!

Not a nice Analogy at all.

Believe Me.... I know what "Cut Off" means..... And it hurts. SMFH


3pm on August 28 2016

Life changing cut off....

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70 hours wheelin' mate...Long stint. I wondered where you were but figured you'd be doing something important and would make a reappearance when you were done. Don't worry about the DV's mate, the support you get will outweigh them.

Did not take the Steeming pile of Camel shit long to flea bite.... LoL

Thanks for the flowers GeeMan..!!

You should thank your lucky stars...Most don't have such loyal followers. Lol.

It could be much worse mate, they could be greying out your every post or comment just because you follow and comment on me or others. That's the sort of thing that happens to other accounts, perpetrated by those who seek to destroy what has been built here. Chances are that happens to this comment as it turns out.

Seriously though, you gotta let it go. Stop mentioning it. They take no value and you'll do better to simply ignore it as you'll get better support from others that way.

I listen to good advice....

Following it is not always that easy.

Haha, I know right...That's been my issue in the past. Still, try your hardest...Just forget it happens or it will end up doing your head in. Best you remain silent, not mention those accounts or give them the satisfaction of their stupidity getting at you. Take the high road, the air is better up there; Less stinky.

Hmmm, what is it with kittens and toilet paper... That face!

I wish She used the TP....

She wins the Foul Ass Award this morning. No escape from it when in this truck....

I snapped a burst shot of Her lickin' Her Butt juss now... But the one time I wanted Her to keep moving for action shots, She heard the camera and looked up and froze..... LoL

Awww Sammy Jo's baby pics are so cute! Your awesome @krazzytrukker! Feel free to hit me up anytime you find yourself traveling through northwest Arkansas.

Have not been thru there in quite awhile. It is a weather deal. Fair weather freddy in my old age.

Runnin' FLA to Texas a bunch.

Time for another Zeus post.

Honestly I haven't doing much of anything these days. Which is why I haven't been posting anything. I'm burnt out. I've shared enough information, ideas, and solutions to all our problems but nobody here gives a shit. Everybody here loves remaining lawless abiding statist shitizens. So why bother going on? Fuck society!

I don't want to bore everyone with nothing but cat posts. Zeus is doing fine. I've got some new pictures of him I plan on sharing next time I make a caturday post. I really miss the other kitties. For now all I have is Zeus.

Cutest cat on the internet :-)

Always and only a pleasure to show your posts some love! Thanks for the mention x